Title: After-School Care|In San Antonio|Discoveryworld Learning Center|
1After-School Care In San Antonio
Discoveryworld Learning Center
Discovery World Learning Center provides the best
child care and Pre-school in San Antonio, with
three convenient locations. For more details you
can visit at https//www.discoveryworldsa.com/
2Creating Dynamic Caring Relationships
- Research and studies have shown that children who
are involved in after-school care programs are
more likely to have greater school and community
involvement and develop dynamic and caring
relationships with others. - Improves your childs self confidence
- Respectful relationships with adults and others
- Behave better in school
- Improved social skills
- Handle stressful situations graciously
- These are just a few of the benefits of our
after-school care program. At Discovery World
Learning Center, we have implemented an
after-school care program that will create a
healthy and positive life perspective for your
3Life is Hectic. Let us help
- Well pick your kids up After-School. Youll know
where your kids are, even when you have to work
late! Kids have time to - get help with homework
- have an afternoon snack
- burn off energy playing outside
- all before you come to pick them up!
- Each of our Canters provides After-School Pick-up
service to select nearby elementary schools.
4406 W. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd. San Antonio, TX
78204 210-405-9754 For more details you can visit
at https//www.discoveryworldsa.com/programs/afte