Title: Harvoni and Alcohol Hep C Cure
1A Common Question One of the most common
questions we get from our patients is
about Harvoni and alcohol. Can I drink while
taking Harvoni? What side effects will alcohol
cause while on treatment? It is okay if I only
have one beer? Right?. Here we will address
your questions and concerns about the use of
alcohol while youre being treated.
2Harvoni and Alcohol There are some common things
between Harvoni and alcohol, but obviously there
are more differences in the two. If you decide to
drink during treatment, it could be a terrible
3So, the only real similarity in the these two
drugs is the fact that both of them must make
their way through your liver. The major
difference is that Harvoni is trying to stop HCV
from wrecking your liver, while alcohol
accelerates the process of destruction.