Title: Hvac Design Courses
1HVAC Training Courses
2About the Course
- Alpine Coach Tree helps the fresh graduates for
HVAC Training in Bangalore to get into a rapid
growing industry which is considered essential in
business, schools, and several other
establishments. HVAC courses at ACT Bangalore
equip graduates with the skills required to keep
the systems running in perfect condition. - With this HVAC course, you can become a HVAC
Engineer (Design, Project, Sales, Service) with
industry-ready skills. - Experienced candidates can get bigger positions
in the industry
3Key Features
- 70 Hours of instructor led training
- Project work
- Industry Experts Support
- Course Manual
- 100 Placement Assistance
- Communication
- Training
4HVAC Opportunities
When you go for HVAC training a window of
opportunities are presented for you to choose.
There is a huge demand for HVAC professionals in
both India and Gulf. The positions a pass out can
join based on the qualification include HVAC
Engineer, HVAC Project Engineer, HVAC Site
Engineer and much more.
You can get place in these industries
- Commercial Buildings
- Residential buildings
- Industrial plants
- Airports
- Shopping Malls
- Power plants
- Hospitals, Office complex
- Petrol Chemical Complex
- Cement and Fertilizer
- Oil gas
- Off shore Industry
- Refinery
5Course Modules
Module 1
Introduction to HVAC.
- Basic Fundamentals about HVAC.
- Heat Transfer Concepts.
- Modes of Heat Transfer.
- Basic properties of the air.
- Types of Heats around in room.
- Applications of HVAC industry used in different
fields. - Conversions of all Dimensioning systems.
- Units of all Designing systems.
6Module 2
- Identifying Psychrometric chart.
- Identifying psychrometric values like Dry bulb
Temperature, Wet bulb Temperature, Relative
Humidity, Humidity ratio, Dew point Temperature
Enthalpy. - Calculations on psychrometric Chart.
- Finding the values of sensible heating, sensible
cooling, Humidification and Dehumidification. - Process of cooling-Humidification and
7Module 3
Basic Components of Air-Conditioning and
Refrigeration machines.
- Basic Refrigeration System or Vapor Compression
Cycle. - Working process of all components in
refrigeration system like compressor , condenser,
expansion valve and condenser - Pressure Enthalpy Chart for Refrigeration
cycle. - Accessories used in HVAC System.
- Process of pressure testing in Refrigeration
8Module 4
- Learning about Refrigerants
- Properties of refrigerants
- Temperature of refrigerants like Boiling point
and melting point temperatures. - Applications of Refrigerants.
Module 5
Classification of Air-Conditioning System.
- Window A/C
- Split A/C
- Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV)/Variable
Refrigerant Flow (VRF) - Package Units
- Central Plant Chill Water System
9Module 6
Categories of Air Conditioning.
- Classifications of Air conditioning systems and
their equipments. - Classifications of HVAC systems.
- All air system
- All water system
- Air water system
- Direct Refrigerant system
Heat Load Calculations.
- Survey of Building
- Finding Temperature difference(?T) (Wall, Glass,
Roof , Partition) - Finding U Factor (Wall, Glass, Roof, Partition)
- Finding Ventilation requirement for IAQ
- Load Calculations (Manually using E-20 form)
- ESHF, ADP Air Flow Rate(CFM) Calculation
10Module 7
Air Distribution System.
- Duct-Definition
- Duct designing using Methods (Velocity
Reduction method, Equal Friction method, Static
Regain method). - Duct sizing as per Aspect Ratio
- Finding Duct size using Ductulator
- Calculation of Number of sheets for Duct
- Gauge selection for Sheet Metal
- Bill of Materials for Duct Network/ligt
- Selection of Diffusers and Grilles
- Duct Routing Preparation of single line diagram
(SLD) - Preparation of Layouts (Double line Diagram
DLD) as per SMACNA rules
11Module 8
Static Pressure Calculation.
- Selection of Motor HP
- Selection Fan/Blower RPM
Module 9
Chiller piping System.
- Classification of Water Piping
- Pipe sizing for chill water system
- Pump Head Calculation
- Selection of Pump
12Module 10
HVAC softwares.
- XL sheet for Load Calculation.
- XL sheet for Static Pressure.
- XL sheet for Bill of Quantity.
- Duct sizer software for Duct sizing
- Psychrometry Software
Module 11
G5 Projects. HVAC Design Project on
Auto-Cad. Chiller Design Project on Auto-Cad.
13Module 12
New Topics Added
- Understanding the Green Environmental
- Understanding Projects
- Understanding Green Projects
- LEED-Leadership in Energy Efficiency and Design
- EGBC Emirates Green Building Council
- ESTIDAMA (Sustainability)
- USGBC-United States Green Building Council
- IGBC Indian Green Building Council
4. ASHRAE American Society of Heat Refrigeration
Air-Conditioning Engineers 5. ISHRAE Indian
Society of Heat Refrigeration Air-Conditioning
Engineers 6. HSE-Health and safety
environmental 7. Understanding Energy
management 8. Understanding Grey water system
14Module 13
- Ventilation
- Commercial kitchen ventilation
- Car parking ventilation
- Toilet ventilation
Module 14
Stair case pressurization
15Contact Us
- 100 Feet Ring Road, BTM Layout,
- 2nd Stage, Bangaluru-560076
- Phone 7204160004
- 080- 41156584
- Email counselor_at_alpinecoachtree.com
- For more Details https//www.alpinecoachtree.com/