Title: How Do You Generate B2B Sales - Nuanced Media
1How Do You Generate B2B Sales?
2Weve been talking at length about B2B lead
generation and generating leads for sales in our
last two blog posts, so now its time we discuss
B2B sales. After all, that is what all of your
marketing efforts should lead to. You chase leads
to get sales, which means we need to talk about
the specifics of landing sales to know the unique
challenges of the closing process. This is
where B2B marketing can get frustrating,
because B2B leads tend to need a lot more
convincing to sign a contract than the average
B2C consumer. They also need to be approached in
the right way, and that can differ a lot
depending on who youre addressingeven if it is
two representatives within the same organization.
4What does it take to get B2B sales?
There is a difference between generating leads
and closing a sale. Sure, leads are targets that
are likely to make a purchase action, but you
cant bank on a lead offering any revenue to your
business until a contract is signed. If youve
been in the business of serving other businesses
for a long time, you know that it is not always
easy to get that sale, which can be hugely
discouraging when you have poured substantial
time and effort into the process. We have
mentioned a lot about account-based
marketing (ABM) as a means of generating leads,
and in the ways that it can surpass inbound
marketing for capturing leads, it can do more to
help you close sales. Heres a closer look at
what you should do to close a B2B sale with a new
lead or retain existing clients, as well as the
ways that ABM assists in each facet.
Multi-touch campaigns Personalized messaging
Clear connections between marketing and sales
6Why are B2B sales different?
You may be thinking that to close B2B sales, you
need to coddle your leads and dedicate a lot of
attention to get them to close. And youre not
wrong. The power in the B2B sales relationship
lies with the buyer, and this has only become
truer as more information has become widely
available online and technology has transformed
the way that buyers and sellers communicate.
- The long sales cycle
- A more detailed pitch
- A harder-to-reach audience
- Multiple contact points
- Steep competition
- Busy schedules
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