Title: HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms / hrm531edu.com
1HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms /
2 HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms
HRM 531 Entire Course (New Syllabus) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hrm531edu.com HRM 531 Week 1
Employee Law Report (2 Papers, New Syllabus) HRM
531 Week 2 Change Management Impact (Baskin
Robbins) HRM 531 Week 3 Individual Compensation
and Benefits Strategy
3 HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms
HRM 531 Week 1 Employee Law Report (2 Papers, New
Syllabus) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hrm531edu.c
om This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Employment
Law Report Purpose of Assignment The purpose of
this assignment is to increase learners'
comprehension of human resources management, laws
governing employment, and trends shaping human
resource management.
4 HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms
HRM 531 Week 1 Employment Law Report (2 Papers)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hrm531edu.com This
Tutorial contains 2 Papers Purpose of
Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to
increase learners' comprehension of human
resources management, laws governing employment,
and trends shaping human resource management.
5 HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms
HRM 531 Week 2 Change Management Impact (2
Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hrm531edu.com
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Choose your
own organization or one you know well to use for
all Individual Assignments for the
course. Select a recent change in your
organization. Develop a 1,050-word assessment of
how this change impacted the human resource
function. Include the following
Explain the change purpose.
6 HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms
HRM 531 Week 2 Change Management Impact (Baskin
Robbins) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hrm531edu.co
m We have Baskin robbins week 5 paper as well
(HRM 531 Week 5 Full Performance Strategy
Analysis) Change Management Impact Purpose of
Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to
display lessons learned about designing a change
management plan and the implications for
performance management
7 HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms
HRM 531 Week 3 Individual Compensation and
Benefits Strategy (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hrm531edu.com This Tutorial contains 2
Papers Purpose of Assignment The purpose of
this assignment is to give learners experience
developing a total rewards program. Please refer
to the resources below to assist with the
assignment. Assignment Steps
8 HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms
HRM 531 Week 3 Team Salary Inequities Case Study
AstraZeneca (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hrm531edu.com This Tutorial contains 2
Papers The purpose of this assignment is to
give learners' experience in conducting a human
resource management case study in a fair and
equitable manner. Please refer to the resources
below to assist with the assignment. Assignment
9 HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms
HRM 531 Week 4 Training and Development Strategy
(2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hrm531edu.
com This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Develop a
1,750-word training and development strategy for
including Discuss the needs assessment. Validate
the need for chosen training methods.
10 HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms
HRM 531 Week 4 Training and Development Strategy
Presentation (New Syllabus) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hrm531edu.com WEEK 4 Training and
Development Strategy Purpose of Assignment The
purpose of this assignment is to give learners
experience creating a training and development
video for operations managers that addresses
11 HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms
HRM 531 Week 5 Full Performance Strategy
Analysis (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hrm531edu.com This Tutorial contains 2
Papers Develop a 1,400-word Full Performance
Strategy Analysis including Describe
the overview of the Performance Management
Process. Explain the job analysis.
Examine the skills gap analysis and
performance evaluation.
12 HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms
HRM 531 Week 5 Full Performance Strategy Analysis
(Baskin Robbins, New Syllabus) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hrm531edu.com WEEK 5 Full Performance
Strategy Analysis Purpose of Assignment The
purpose of this assignment is to give learners an
opportunity to apply lessons learned about
performance management.
13 HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms
HRM 531 Week 6 HR Consultant Proposal Paper and
Presentation (New Syllabus) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hrm531edu.com HRM 531 Week 6 HR
Consultant Proposal Purpose of Assignment The
purpose of this assignment is to give learners an
opportunity to summarize lessons learned about
Human Resources Management with emphasis on
employee relations. Please refer to the resources
below to assist with the assignment.
14 HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms
HRM 531 Week 6 HR Consultant Proposal FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hrm531edu.com Imagine that you
have been hired as an HR consultant for your
chosen company. Create a 10- to 15-slide
presentation, including the following
Explain the need to develop three new positions
including one first-level management position.
These positions must be new and different than
what you developed in Week 2.
15HRM 531 EDU Education on your terms /