Title: Magento One Page Checkout Extension by Knowband
1Magento One Page Checkout Extension by Knowband
- Improve your checkout process
Magento One Page Checkout Extension by
Knowband allows the admin to place the complex
multi-step checkout process at the user friendly
single page only. The responsive one page
checkout Magento extension helps in reducing the
bounce rate and abandoned cart of the store. The
easy to understand Magento quick checkout
extension also helps the e-merchants in
inreasing the sale of the website by providing a
faster processing of checkout.
2Customer Advantages of the Magento quick
checkout extension
- The Magento one page checkout extension, offers
the - customers to complete their checkout quickly.
- This one step checkout Magento extension offers
the customers to modify their cart products at
the checkout page itself. They can easily update
the quantity or remove the product without
refreshing the web page. - The responsive one page checkout extension offers
the customers to view their cart summary at the
checkout page itself. - The Magento fast checkout extension has the
ability to preview the image of the cart product
at this page itself.
3- With the help of this Magento quick checkout
extension, - the customer also gets the option to login via
their social media. - The guest checkout feature offered in this
Magento one page checkout extension makes it
quite easier for the users to complete the
Admin Advantages of responsive one page
checkout extension Magento
- Magento quick checkout helps in increasing the
websites - sale.
- The one page checkout extension Magento helps in
increasing the revenue of the store.
4- The Magento fast checkout extension serves
better - shopping experience to the customers.
- The Magento quick checkout extension simplifies
the checkout process. - The one page checkout Magento extension boosts
the conversion rate also.
Functionalities offered by Magento fast checkout e
Social Login Option The one step checkout
Magento extension allows the admin to display the
social login option on the checkout page.
5Review Cart Summary The Magento quick
checkout extension offers the cart update
feature. Using which, the customers can easily
modify their cart as per his preferences.
Guest User Registration Option Magento fast
checkout extension allows the store owner to
enable the guest registration feature on the
checkout page.
6Popup Cart The one page checkout extension
Magento offers the e-merchants to display the
shopping cart popup having the products added to
it. Add HTML Content This Magento quick checkout
extension provides the store admin to add the
HTML contents at the header and footer of the
checkout page.
Newsletter Subscription With the help of this
Magento one page checkout extension, the admin
can let their customers subscribe to the
newsletter on the checkout page itself.
7Checkout Page Layouts 2-column and 3-column
layouts are offered in this Magento one step
checkout extension.
Rearrangement of the fields The Magento one
step checkout extension offers the e-admin to
re-position the fields of the checkout page.
8Up-selling The one page checkout Magento
extension offers the admin to display the related
products on the cart popup.
Language The responsive one step checkout
extension Magento is multilingual.
Compatibility The responsive one page checkout Ma
gento extension is compatible with multiple
stores and SSL enabled website.
9Find more details about this Magento One Page Che
ckout Extension below
One Page Checkout Magento Extension
Link https//www.knowband.com/magento-one-page-su
perchec kout Magento One Page Checkout Extension
User Manual http//www.knowband.com/user-manual/
magento-super-ch eckout/magento-super-checkout-st
eps-for-installation/ Magento One Page Checkout
Extension Admin Demo http//mademo.knowband.com/
index.php/supercheckout/a dminhtml_supercheckout/
index/key/719a35e7ffc5d808a42 3dde34034d51b/ Mag
ento One Page Checkout Extension Front Demo
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