Title: Set CPU Priority To Prefer Foreground Apps
1How To Set CPU Priority To Prefer Foreground Apps
In Windows Updated Guide 2017
Learn how to set CPU priority to prefer
foreground apps in windows. Step By Step Guide To
Change CPU priority to prefer foreground apps
for best performance. https//howtodid.com/set-cp
Set CPU Priority To Prefer Foreground Apps By
Control Panel
- Press Win Key R, Run box will display.
- Type sysdm.cpl and hit enter.
- System Properties window will display.
- Click on third tab Advanced in System
Properties window. Select Settings from
Performance. - Performance Options windows will display.
- Click on second tab Advanced.
- There will be Processor Scheduling section.
Select one option from given two options, - Adjust for best performance of Programs
- Adjust for best performance of Background
services. - Select Programs to Adjust for best performance
of Programs under Processor Scheduling. Click
on Apply, close the Performance Options window. - By selecting Programs to Adjust for best
performance of Programs from Performance
Options, you set CPU priority to prefer
foreground apps. - All windows versions are set by default to prefer
foreground app by selecting Programs in
Performance Options. - Users dont need to set CPU priority to prefer
foreground apps. It is already set by default
from Microsoft in Windows OS.
2You can also set CPU priority to prefer
foreground apps by registry editor.
Set CPU Priority To Prefer Foreground Apps By
Registry Editor
- First, open Registry Editor in windows.
- Press Win Key R, Run box will display. Type
regedit and hit enter. - Registry Editor window will display.
- Go to the following registry Key
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEgtSYSTEMgtCurrentControlSetgtCon
trolgtPriorityControl - On the right panel of Registry Editor, double
click on the Win32PrioritySeparation registry
value. Default Value data is set to 2 in
Registry Editor. - If you want to set CPU priority to prefer
foreground apps, change Value data to 26. - By changing Value data from 2 to 26 in Registry
Editor (Win32PrioritySeparation registry value),
your system will allocate more processor
resources to foreground apps / programs. - Note If you change Value data from 2 to 18, your
system will prefer background apps to perform
Detailed Guide https//howtodid.com/set-cpu-priori