Title: Teacher Training Institute in Delhi IPW
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2Every now and then, you may get a class that you
just cant seem to keep interested. No matter
what you do, it seems like all of the students
are bored out of their minds. If students arent
paying attention, and their minds are wandering,
then they are not absorbing any of the
information that you are giving them to pass your
class. Here are Six teaching strategies that you
can do to keep your class interested and engaged.
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As a successful elementary teacher, explaining
with clarity is the first and the foremost
requirement. Clearly explaining the goals and
purposes of any lesson clarifying both during
and before and after the lesson, is essential.
Students tend to be inquisitive at this stage.
Hence, students raising any kind of questions
should be clearly answered by the teacher and
this should be done with patience.
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52. Make it Interactive
A traditional classroom setting, where the
teacher is standing in the front of the classroom
lecturing to students as they take notes, is
boring. If you want your students to be
interested in what you are teaching them, you
must make it interactive. Get them involved in
everything that you are teaching. Try the jigsaw
cooperative learning method, where students work
together as a team to learn and complete a task.
Each student is responsible for their own part,
but must work as a group in order to complete the
task. By involving students and making it
hands-on, you are engaging them and making them
interested in the content that they need to learn.
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Choice menus arent just for elementary and
middle school students. High school students will
be just as happy when they get the opportunity to
choose what, and how they will learn content.
Choice board menu options are endless. You can
create a menu for any subject, topic, or concept
that you want. You can create different choice
boards based on the student. Struggling students
can work on one board while more advanced
students can work on another. Its not only a
great way to differentiate learning, but it keeps
students interested and engaged as well.
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94. Relate Material to Students' Lives
Try and create a real-world connection to what
students are learning, so that it will give them
a better understanding of why they need to learn
what you are teaching them. If your students are
constantly asking you why they need to learn
something, and you always are answering with
because you will soon lose your credibility
with your students. Instead, try giving them a
real answer like "You are learning about money
because in the real world you need to know how to
use it if you want to survive. You need to know
how to buy food and pay your bills." By giving
them a real answer you are helping them connect
that they must learn what they are learning for
their future.
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115. Use Technology
Technology is what students live and breathe
every day. If you want to make your class the
most interesting class that everyone loves to go
to, then you must incorporate some kind of
technology. Instead of lecturing and having
students take notes, use a smart board and have
students come up to the board and interact.
Instead of giving students a quiz on paper, use a
computer or a tablet. Instead of having students
work on a project together, have them video
conference with another class from another
country and work with them on the project.
Utilize technology in your classroom and your
students will be interested and engaged in what
they are learning.
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Feedback, both of the learning procedure and the
teaching procedure, is essential and should be
provided by every elementary teacher. Teachers
should provide for both individual and whole
group feedbacks on patterns that lead to, not
only individual but collective growth of the
class as a whole unit. Students should also be
provided with an opportunity to give feedback
with regard to the teaching procedure, so that as
the teacher you can flexibly adjust your teaching
process, the materials you provide and other
instructions in accordance with the students
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15INDOSS provides you a Teaching Courses, The first
of which you are taught Teaching Strategies
For further details just visit www.ipwdelhi.com
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Call on 9212441844 9990253821