Title: Hipp organic baby food
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2Hipp Organic Baby Food
HiPP Bio Combiotic Stage 1 is a nutritionally
complete, whey based, gentle infant formula that
is specially formulated using the finest organic
milk. This formula is suitable from birth onwards
for babies that are not being breastfed or to
complement breastfeeding. It has all the
ingredients your baby needs to grow strong and
healthy such as, iron, Vitamins A, C, and D.
Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and
bone growth and omega 3 6 LCPs (DHA AA),
which are found in breast milk, are long chains
of polyunsaturated fatty acids that help babies
with brain and eye development. It also contains
Prebiotic and Probiotic, which promotes healthy
digestion, healthy immunity, and aids in healthy
gut flora to help heal a babies upset stomach.
HiPP understands the many different needs of
babies and has something for every child.
3HiPP is a family owned business that has been
bringing the best organic baby food to families
for 60 years. They have 8,000 carefully selected
farms and 57 countries worldwide that sell their
products. HiPP farmers do not use any artificial
fertilizers, instead they run regular crop
rotations and use natural pest controllers such
as, hedgehogs, owls and hawks, rather than
harmful chemical sprays. Their animals live
healthy and happy lives with their strict
species-appropriate livestock farming ways,
without the need for growth hormones or other
drugs. They allow their animals to roam freely in
the open air and woods to graze and enjoy organic
food themselves. This also helps biodiversity and
natural forest cycles.
41525 Eastman lane, Petaluma ca 94952
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