Title: Lightweight Folding Bike (1)
1Lightweight Folding Bike The Most Prominent
Travel Bike
We are an independent, creative, folding bike
company that looks beyond the confines of four
walls and considers overall design. Applying many
years of experience, our team patiently
researches your needs, considers the practical
application of our product to everyday life,
pursues a creative solution and makes it
real. Every situation is unique. Every setting
deserves to be considered for its independence.
We believe folding bikes can cater to all
situations, so we offer many options. We take the
time to consider your needs and craft an
innovative design that provides convenient
transportation for a lifestyle on the move. Ride,
Fold, Repeat Stay on the Move.
3You should pay attention to lightweight folding
bike and do proper maintenance by time to time.
In order to know more about lightweight folding
bike, do research online. Today!
4A folding bike resembles your ordinary bike the
main recognizing highlight is its folding that
takes into account extraordinary comfort in
transport and capacity.
5Contact Us
Origami Bicycle Company, LLC Address2601 Maury
St. Bldg 26Richmond, VA 23224 Phone855-7-ORIGAM