Bangalore Medical Center | Dr. Vijayalakshmi Paramesh | Elawoman - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bangalore Medical Center | Dr. Vijayalakshmi Paramesh | Elawoman


Bangalore Medical Center has begun in the year 2010 with quality of 20 beds, essentially as a nursing home. We have an all around outfitted Intensive care unit with ventilator, loss office, research facility, emergency vehicle, major and minor activity theater, MTP focus, Pharmacy and different analytic and remedial offices. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Bangalore Medical Center | Dr. Vijayalakshmi Paramesh | Elawoman

Bangalore Medical Center Dr. Vijayalakshmi
Paramesh Elawoman
About Bangalore Medical Center
Bangalore Medical Center is a 100 beded General
and Multi-claim to fame healing facility
situated in a noticeable territory close Kalyan
Nagar. Bangalore Medical Center has astounding
framework, condition of craftsmanship
equipment's, devoted gathering of profoundly
talented Paramedics, Medical and Surgical
Consultants outfitted to give far reaching and
aggregate quality care to the patients. Bangalore
Medical Center has begun in the year 2010 with
quality of 20 beds, essentially as a nursing
home. We have an all around outfitted Intensive
care unit with ventilator, loss office, research
facility, emergency vehicle, major and minor
activity theater, MTP focus, Pharmacy and
different analytic and remedial offices. Our
group incorporates attendants, medical
specialists, dieticians, ECG experts, X Ray
professionals, OT professionals are utilized in
the office for full patient care. Undeniable
drug store with four qualified drug specialists
and colleagues are accessible for the advantage
of patients. About Doctor
  • Dr. Vijayalakshmi Paramesh Gynecologist in Kalyan
    Nagar has set up the clinic and has picked up a
    reliable demographic in the course of recent
    years and is likewise every now and again went
    to by a few big names, trying models and other
    respectable customers and global patients also.
  • They likewise anticipate growing their business
    further and giving services to a few more
    patients inferable from its prosperity in the
    course of recent years. The productivity,
    devotion, exactness and empathy offered at the
    clinic guarantee that the patient's prosperity,
    solace and needs are kept of best need.
  • The clinic is furnished with most recent kinds of
    hardware and brags very progressed careful
    instruments that assistance in experiencing
    fastidious medical procedures or strategies.
  • Dr. Vijayalakshmi Paramesh is an Infertility
    Specialist, Obstetrician and Gynecologist who
    hones at Bangalore Medical Center. Her discussion
    expenses every hour are Rs. 500.
  • Her medical capabilities are as per the following
  • DGO - Karnataka Medical College, 1997
  • MBBS - Bangalore Medical College and Research
    Institute, Bangalore, 1995
  • Services

WOMEN'S CLINIC They are give a lady focused
administration to ladies At all Periods of your
  • menarche
  • Premarital
  • Marital
  • Fertility
  • Antenatal
  • Postnatal
  • Premenopausal
  • Postmenopausal
  • They have brought for you the universes best
    innovation at your doorstep in a minding domain
    and protection
  • Mission
  • Solid Woman is devoted to satisfying the
    passionate, physical, and mental necessities of
    ladies, at all phases of life, through the
    arrangement of individual, individualized social
    insurance services.
  • Our One-Stop Fertility Treatment Clinic,
    propelled in october 1998, is a thorough and
    brisk administration that enables couples to be
    found in a solitary outpatient evaluation

visit. It empowers us to analyze the reason for
infertility, to offer authority counsel and to
suggest conceivable medications immediately.
  • They know for a fact that numerous couples put in
    up to two years endeavoring to get to the base
    of the reason for their infertility, years that
    are valuable as far as fertility. The first of
    its kind in the South East, the fertility clinic
    expects to accelerate the protracted procedure
    of tests and assessments by giving a fertility
    appraisal in only two or three hours.
  • Your fertility treatment
  • Some tests do need to be orchestrated at a
    particular time before the visit, so as to have
    the outcomes accessible for discourse with the
    expert. Before the finish of the arrangement,
    the expert will normally be in a situation to
    prompt the best treatment for you.
  • You and your accomplice will experience a
    progression of tests, including ultrasound,
    tubal patency appraisal and sperm investigation.
  • Once a determination has been made, we will talk
    about with you what alternatives and medicines
    are accessible at BMC FERTILITY CLINIC
  • At BMC Fertility, they see how upsetting it can
    be while setting out upon a course of fertility
    treatment. They immovably have faith in the need
    to give an individual, strong support of every
    one of our patients as per their individual
    needs. Our specialists are accessible if the
    need arises 24 hours every day, 365 days for each

They prepared cousellor will work with you to
comprehend your individual conditions, alleviate
your worries and bolster you all through your
treatment. We will give you named contacts for
key treatment regions, for example, egg gift, so
you generally know precisely who to address and
can manufacture a compatibility with key staff
inside the clinic. We guarantee dependably to
regard you as an individual, never a number.
  • Realities about infertility
  • It's a fantasy that infertility is dependably a
    "lady's concern". Half of all instances of
    infertility result from issues with the man's
    regenerative framework. Of couples that look for
    medical treatment for infertility, 20 consider
    before the treatment really starts. One reason
    might be that tension about infertility may have
    added to the fertility issue, so reaching a
    specialist and advising makes a difference. half
    consider inside two years from beginning
    treatment. Most infertility comes about because
    of physical issues in a man or lady's
    regenerative framework.
  • Item/benefit name
  • Laser hair evacuation
  • Botox for wrinkles
  • Follicular unit hair transplantation
  • Tattoo evacuation
  • Micro Dermabrasion
  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Fillers
  • Lip enlargement
  • Peeling
  • Pimple treatment

  • Removal of warts and undesirable moles
  • Rhinoplasty Correction of nasal distortions
    like Saddle nose, Hump Nose, Bulbous Nose and so
    forth., is called Rhinoplasty. Done under
    neighborhood or general anesthesia.
  • Facialplasty and Blephroplasty Done to give
    more youthful appearance to old. Should be
    possible under nearby or general anesthesia.
  • Twofold Eyelid Blepharoplasty Done to change the
    looks from caucasian(Chinese) to oriental
  • Lip Cosmetic Surgery Lip Augmentation for thin
    lips and Lip Reduction for thick lips.
  • Button Augmentation Mainly finished with silicon
  • Dimple Creation Dimple which shows up on grin
    can be made.
  • Evacuation of Facial Lesions Mole, Nevus,
    Leucoderma, Scars, Tattoo Marks, Pappiloma and
    so on can be expelled cosmetically with least
  • Other Cosmetic Procedures Botox for wrinkles and
    Fillers predominantly for Nasolabial sulcus.

  • Augmentation Mammoplasty Hypomastia (Small
    bosom) can be Congenital, Post lactational and
    post menopausal. Expansion is typically finished
    with silicon gel.
  • Reduction Mammoplasty Done for hypertrophy of
    bosom or asymmetry of bosom.
  • Mastopexy (New skin bra) Done for ptosis or
    laxity of bosom tissue. Bosoms are given lovely
    shape. Areolas likewise get legitimate position
    with this activity.
  • Before Admission -
  • Mercifully contact the admission counter and give
    them the points of interest e.g. Date of
    Admission, Treating specialist, and Preference
    class of convenience. Pre-Registration for
    Maternity cases is done no less than 60 days
    before expected date of delivery.Planned
    Surgical/Maternity cases are required to pay
    store sum.
  • On the date of admission an insinuation call will
    be put forth and in defense it isn't gotten you
    are requested to affirm with the admission
    counter. Convenience of your decision may not be
    accessible in such case all endeavors will be
    made to facilitate you in another best
    accessible class. We acknowledge money/DD or
    charge cards/Credit cards of all real
    banks.Reservation stores are not transferable.
  • After Admission -
  • The charge of the bed is charged toward the
    finish of every day. Check in time is adaptable.
    Charges will be relevant. Day mind Patient will
    be kept under perception for a most extreme of 8
    hrs, after which he will either be conceded as
    standard patient or released.
  • Exchanges of the class will be founded on the
    accessibility as it were. When you move up to a
    higher class the charging will be done according
    to the higher class from the very beginning. If
    there should arise an occurrence of minimization
    to a lower class the charging from the day of
    exchange will be material according to the lower
    class subject to the endorsement of the

In the event that moving to ICU the room must be
abandoned. Uncommon/Deluxe/Super
select/Executive Suit class might be permitted to
hold the room subject to accessibility. The room
can be desperately required if there should arise
an occurrence of any admission required to be
finished. The cut off time for exchange is 11
am. For each schedule day the most astounding
room charge relevant between 11 am to 12
midnight will be charged after thinking about
exchanges, assuming any.
For more information, call at 91 7899912611
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