Title: 5 Convincing Reasons to Legalize Marijuana
15 Convincing Reasons to Legalize Marijuana
21. Help People with Health Issues
Marijuana can strongly help people in dealing
with their health issues notably with cancer. If
Marijuana gets legalized many sick patients would
not be afraid to use it.
32. Legalizing Recreational Marijuana Will Make
Travel Trouble Free
If Marijuana will be legalized worldwide it would
make travelling safe for people to other states
that are using it for recreational or medicinal
43. If Used Well, Marijuana Is Much Safer than
Alcohol and Prescribed Drugs
People have a misconception that Marijuana only
has negative effects on human body. But, this is
not the exact truth, if used in an advised
amount it is beneficial for user, and less
harmful than Alcohol other prescribed drugs.
54. Marijuana Has Beneficial Nutritional Value.
Marijuana is not just a psychoactive drug. It is
a natural herb with many uses. It can fight many
diseases and have great antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory, anti-stress neuroprotective
65. Marijuana Recreational and Medical sales
Create New jobs Opportunities.
Selling Marijuana for Recreational Medical
Purposes will create new job opportunities. It
will help in consistent and stable employment,
which ultimately helps the economy.
7Know more about the Medicinal Value of Marijuana
with Medicinal Plant Research Development
Company- Phytotherapy Research.