Vita Plus Clinic | Dr. N Shailaja | Elawoman - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Vita Plus Clinic | Dr. N Shailaja | Elawoman


Vita Plus Clinic gives quality essential human services at the moderate cost. Our counseling specialists are related with surely understood Hospitals crosswise over Bengaluru. Our staffs are very much prepared to take into account therapeutic services professionally and truly. We have finish essential social insurance under one rooftop for all. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Vita Plus Clinic | Dr. N Shailaja | Elawoman

Vita Plus Clinic Dr. N Shailaja Elawoman
About Vita Plus Clinic
Vita Plus Clinic gives quality essential human
services at the moderate cost. Our counseling
specialists are related with surely understood
Hospitals crosswise over Bengaluru. Our staffs
are very much prepared to take into account
therapeutic services professionally and truly.
We have finish essential social insurance under
one rooftop for all. They additionally have
HOME HEALTH office, to serve you at the comfort
of your Home. We generally endeavor to serve you
better. If you don't mind converse with us for
any points of interest and earlier arrangements.
Vita Plus Clinic is known for lodging
experienced Gynecologists. Dr. Nusrat, a very
much rumored Gynecologist, hones in Bangalore.
Visit this therapeutic wellbeing community for
Gynecologists prescribed by 95 patients. About
Dr. N Shailaja Dr. N Shailaja Gynecologist,
Urogynecologist, and Laparoscopy in JP Nagar 8
Phase, Bangalore and has an ordeal of 10 years
in these fields. Dr. N Shailaja hones at Shree
Krishna Clinic in JP Nagar 8 Phase, Bangalore.
She finished MBBS from
Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences
(AIMS) Bellur in 2001, Dr. Shailaja thinks of
her as capacity to watch over ladies both her
calling and a huge gift.
Dr. N Shailaja needs to guarantee that ladies
approach the most exceptional and breakthrough
services. This bears equipped care and a more
extensive scope of treatment alternatives. Dr.
Shailaja has finished her DGO from Kempegowda
Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore 2004.
She is a Gold Medalist in OBG from Rajiv Gandhi
University. She finished her MS preparing from
JNMC (Belgaum) 2007. She was Gold Medalist from
JN Medical College, Begum. She has done her DNB
from Delhi Board and PGDMLE, Medical Law course
from National Law School of Bangalore. Services
Treatment Of Acne/Pimples Skin inflammation is
an incessant, fiery skin condition that causes
spots and pimples, particularly on the face,
shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms.
Whiteheads, clogged pores, pimples, growths, and
knobs are a wide range of skin inflammation.
  • It is the most widely recognized skin condition
    in the United States, influencing up to 50
    million Americans yearly.It normally happens amid
    pubescence, when the sebaceous organs actuate,
    yet it can happen at any age. It isn't unsafe,
    yet it can leave skin scars.
  • The organs deliver oil and are animated by male
    hormones created by the adrenal organs in the
    two guys and females. No less than 85 percent of
    individuals in the U.S. encounter skin
    inflammation between the ages of 12 and 24 years.
  • Quick facts on skin break out
  • Here are a few facts about skin break out. More
    detail is in the principle article.
  • Acne is a skin illness including the oil organs
    at the base of hair follicles.
  • It influences 3 in each 4 individuals matured 11
    to 30 years.
  • It isn't unsafe, yet it can leave skin scars.
  • Treatment relies upon how extreme and tireless it
  • Risk factors incorporate hereditary qualities,
    the menstrual cycle, uneasiness and stretch, hot
    and sticky atmospheres, utilizing oil-based
    cosmetics, and pressing Pimples.

Weight Loss Treatment Regardless of whether your
weight-misfortune objectives include attempting
to lose 5 pounds or more than 50, similar
standards decide how much weight you lose and how
quick your weight misfortune will happen.
Recollecting the accompanying basic adhering to
a good diet eating routine tips and placing them
into training can prompt weight lessening
without the guide of any uncommon eating routine
designs, weight misfortune programs, wellness
books, or medications.
Our body weight is dictated by the measure of
vitality that we take in as nourishment and the
measure of vitality we exhaust in the exercises
of our day. Vitality is estimated in calories.
Digestion is the total of every substance
procedure inside the body that manage life.
Your basal metabolic rate is the quantity of
calories (measure of vitality) you requirement
for your body to complete fundamental capacities.
On the off chance that your weight stays
consistent, this is likely a sign that you are
taking in a similar measure of calories that you
consume day by day. In case you're gradually
putting on weight after some time, it is likely
that your caloric admission is more prominent
than the quantity of calories you consume your
day by day exercises. How would you get
thinner? The best approach for weight misfortune
is diminishing the quantity of calories you eat
while expanding the quantity of calories you
consume physical action. To lose 1 pound, you
require a consumption of roughly 3,500 calories.
You can accomplish this either by curtailing
your sustenance utilization, by expanding
physical action, or in a perfect world, by doing
both. For instance, in the event that you devour
500 additional calories for every day for multi
week without changing your action level, you will
put on 1 pound in weight (seven days duplicated
by 500 calories measures up to 3,500 calories, or
the quantity of calories bringing about a
1-pound weight pick up). Similarly, on the off
chance that you eat 500 less calories every day
for a week or consume practice for multi week,
you will lose 1 pound.
  • Cases of calorie substance of some prominent
    nourishments and drinks incorporate the
  • One cut of unique style outside layer pepperoni
    pizza - 230 calories
  • One glass of dry white wine - 160 calories
  • One jar of cola - 150 calories
  • One quarter-pound ground sirloin sandwich with
    cheddar - 500 calories
  • One enormous banana nut biscuit - 580 calories
  • The no-count calories way to deal with weight
  • By receiving sensible dietary patterns and honing
    segment control, you can eat nutritious
    sustenances with the goal that you take in the
    same number of calories as you have to keep up
    your wellbeing and prosperity at your optimal
    weight. Regularly, weight misfortune happens
    without anyone else essentially when you begin
    settling on better sustenance decisions, for
    example, staying away from
  • prepared sustenances,
  • sugar-loaded sustenances,
  • white bread and pasta (substitute entire grain
  • sustenances with a high level of calories from
    fat, for example, numerous quick nourishments,
  • alcohol.
  • While nothing is totally taboo, when you do
    surrender to allurement, keep the segment
    estimate little and add more exercise to your day
    by day exercise.

  • There are numerous cerebral pain cures.
    Medications can facilitate your agony, yet
    changing your way of life to control pressure or
    keep away from triggers may function admirably,
    as well, and may keep you from getting headaches.
    What works for one individual may not work for
    another, so work with your specialist to locate
    the best solution for you.
  • Medications for Headaches
  • Diverse kinds of prescription treat distinctive
    sorts of headaches.
  • Tension-type headaches Pain relievers, for
    example, acetaminophen, headache medicine,
    ibuprofen, or naproxen, usually help. Yet, be
    watchful. Taking an excessive number of these
    pills can make hard treat bounce back headaches.
    In the event that you have to take these
    medications frequently, see your specialist. Try
    not to offer ibuprofen to anybody under age 19 -
    it raises their hazard for a genuine condition
    called Reye's disorder.
  • Migraine headaches One class of medication,
    called triptans, is the pillar of migraine
    treatment. They incorporate eletriptan (Relpax),
    naratriptan (Amerge), rizatriptan (Maxalt),
    sumatriptan (Imitrex), zolmitriptan (Zomig), and
    others. You can take them as pills, infusions,
    or nasal splash.
  • A type of ergotamine, called dihydroergotamine
    (DHE), likewise treats migraine headaches. You
    can get it as an infusion or as a nasal shower.
  • Headache medicine and other nonsteroidal
    mitigating drugs (NSAIDs) likewise can help on
    the off chance that you take them whenever
    there's any hint of a migraine assault. NSAIDs
    likewise incorporate ibuprofen and naproxen.
  • On the off chance that you have at least four
    extreme, delayed migraine cerebral pain days
    every month, your specialist may propose you
    attempt pharmaceutical and different strategies
    to keep your assaults, for example,
  • Blood weight drugs like propranolol, verapamil,
    and others
  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-seizure drugs - like topiramate

  • Avoiding sustenances that trigger your migraines
  • Devices have likewise been endorsed, for example,
  • Cefaly, a little headband gadget that sends
    electrical heartbeats through the temple to
    animate a nerve connected with migraines
  • SpringTMS or eNeura sTMS , a gadget which can be
    held at the back of your head whenever there's
    any hint of a migraine, and it radiates an
    attractive heartbeat that animates some portion
    of the mind.
  • gammaCore is a hand-held convenient gadget which
    is a noninvasive vagus nerve stimulator (nVS).
    At the point when set over the vagus nerve in the
    neck, it discharges a gentle electrical
    incitement to the nerve's filaments to releave

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