Title: CMI's LGBT Research, Tourism and Panel
2Community Marketing Insights
- LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender and along with heterosexual, they
describe people's sexual orientation or gender
identity. At Community Marketing Insights, they
are one of leading organizations to provide LGBT
research, marketing, consulting, recruiting,
statistics, tourism research, diversity seminars,
demographics and training to Government agencies,
corporate leaders, universities and non-profit
organizations across the world since 1992. With
over 25 years of experience in LGBT industry and
80,000 LGBT consumers, Community Marketing
Insights organize LGBT marketing, diversity
seminars, tourism conferences and conferences.
They provide 24x7 hours feedback service to all
it customers and deliver the reliable response as
per queries or maintain confidentiality.
3LGBT Research
- Community Marketing Insights has been
conducting LGBT research for more than 25 years.
Their practice includes online surveys,
intercepts, focus groups, in-depth interviews and
advisory boards in Asia, North America and
Europe. LGBT research most cost-effectively way
to reach your business relevant customers
including their preferences, motivations,
sensitivities, propensities, purchasing habits,
etc. as well as the competitive environment.
Industry leaders around the world depend on CMIs
LGBT research and analysis as a basis for
feasibility evaluations, positioning, economic
impact, creative testing, informed forecasting,
measurable marketing planning and return on
investment. CMIs research report also published
in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal,
Forbes, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald,
Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles
Times, CBS News, NPR, CNN, Reuters, Associated
Press, eMarketer, Mashable, and many other
international, national and regional media.
4LGBT Tourism
- Community Marketing Insights has been helping
LGBT tourism and hospitality industry leaders
master the subtleties of this market with LGBTQ
research, training and conferences across the
world since 1992. For Past 19 years, Community
Marketing Insights Produce the Annual LGBTQ
Tourism Forum for regional seminars and symposia.
They developed the TAG Approved Accommodations
program with its 1,500 members across the world.
Community Marketing Insights partnership with
travel suppliers, Government Tourism Offices,
hospitality leaders and destination organizations
continuing to grow, ultimately helping to create
a more welcoming LGBT friendly environment for
travellers worldwide.
5CMIs Proprietary LGBT Panel
- Over the last 25 years, Community Marketing
Insights has developed the LGBT panel for a
variety of LGBT research methodologies. CMIs
LGBT Panel consists of over 80,000
self-identifying LGBT community members across
the world. At Community Marketing Insights,
they leverage unique experience, methodologies
and their own proprietary panel to generate the
valid and actionable results that their clients
depend on. They provide 24x7 hours feedback
service to all its customers and deliver the
reliable response as per queries or protect
panellist confidentiality. Community Marketing
Insights have a very personal relationship with
their panellists, who are willing to open up and
share their actual experiences, sensitivities or
motivations with CMI team. They know that the
results from the research will be used for the
betterment of the LGBT community.
6CMI Team Leaders
Community Marketing Insights help grow market
recognition through LGBT research, media
relations or education and have brought
opportunities to worlds leading organizations,
universities, corporations and government
institutions since1992.
David Paisley, Senior Research Director
Lu Xun, Quantitative Research Director
Glen Fishman, Projects Director
Thomas Roth, President
7CMI Partners
8Location Address
- Community Marketing, Inc.
- 584 Castro St. 834
- San Francisco, CA 94114 USA
- Phone No. 1 (415) 437-3800Fax No. 1
415/552-5104 - Email Info_at_CommunityMarketingInc.com
- Website https//CommunityMarketingInc.com