Title: ECE 101 Competitive Success--snaptutorial.com
1ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
2ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 1 Discussion 1The History of Early
Childhood Education in America For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com From the
1600s to today, the education of young children
in the U.S. has changed dramatically and has been
influenced by social, economic, and political
events and trends. To develop a better
understanding of these events, view the Early
Childhood Education 101 Timeline.
3ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 1 Discussion 2 For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com ECE 101 Week 1
Discussion 2
4ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 1 Journal Current Issue and Trends
Obesity For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com ECE 101 Week 1 Journal Current Issue
and Trends Obesity
5ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 1 Journal Current Issue and Trends
Technology and Young Children For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com ECE 101
Week 1 Journal Current Issue and
Trends Technology and Young Children
6ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 2 Assignment 2 Learning Environments
and Developmental Domains For more classes
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Assignment 2 Learning Environments and
Developmental Domains Learning Environments and
Developmental Domains. Due by Day 7. As we have
learned this week, there are many different
aspects to development that we need to know when
working with children from birth to age 8. We
must ensure that our classrooms help to stimulate
the physical, cognitive, and affective
development for all
7ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 2 Discussion 1 For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com After reading
Chapters 3 and 6 in your textbook and viewing the
ECE 101 Theorist Gallery Tour, it is likely that
you still have some questions about these
theorists and the key principles of their
theories. This discussion will give you the
opportunity to share the questions you still
have. You will also discuss how the theorists
ideas align with your current beliefs about how
children learn, grow, and develop. This will help
as you work to understand who you are as an early
childhood educator.
8ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 2 Discussion 2 Developmental
Domains For more classes visit www.snaptutoria
l.com According to Estes and Krogh (2012), A
cornerstone of quality teaching is having a firm
understanding of child growth and development (p.
63). Without a solid understanding of the
physical, cognitive, and affective domains of
development, it will be difficult for you to help
children grow to reach their potential.
9ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 3 Assignment Learning Approaches,
Theory, and Practice For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com ECE 101 Week 3
Assignment Learning Approaches, Theory, and
Practice Learning Approaches, Theory, and
Practice. Due by Day 7. Becoming a professional
in the field of early childhood education
requires you to become familiar with the various
developmental theories, as well as research that
studies the effectiveness of various learning
approaches. Throughout the last two weeks, you
have learned about these different theories and
approaches to learning. After engaging in
discussions with your classmates, you now have
ideas about which theories and approaches you
10ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 3 Discussion 1 Learning Approaches
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
As you learned in your textbook, there are
several different learning approaches that can be
used in early childhood education. It is
important that you are able to determine which
approach to teaching you connect with the most,
so that you feel confident about how you are
teaching your students. This discussion will
allow you to share your thoughts regarding
different learning approaches.
11ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 3 Discussion 2 For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Chapter 6 explains
the National Standards for Family-school
partnerships, as presented by the National PTA.
Although these standards are written for
school-aged children, they are more than
applicable to the early childhood classroom, as
presented in your text. Review the suggestions
for each of the six standards as well as NAEYCs
Family Engagement Resource List.
12ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 4 Assignment Interview with Early
Childhood Educator For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com This week is
related to week 5 So green are same, Pink are
same user..others have different Files that can
be used
13ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 4 Discussion 1 Developmentally
Appropriate Practice For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com As the authors of
our text note Since its founding in 1926, the
National Association for the Education of Young
Children (NAEYC) has been an influence on early
education in the United States, but never so
strongly as it has been since it began writing
position statements in the 1980s. (Estes Krogh,
2012, p. 98)
14ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 4 Discussion 2 Learning Centres and
Play For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.c
om One of the hottest topics in early
childhood education is the role of play in the
classroom. Although early childhood educators
understand the importance of incorporating play
into a developmentally appropriate curriculum,
many parents have a difficult time understanding
why their child is playing in the classroom.
Watch the video, titled The Role of Play in the
Overly-Academic Classroom.
15ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 4 Journal For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com ECE 101 Week 4
16ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 5 Discussion 1 Careers and
Dispositions For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Wadlington and
Wadlington (as cited in Estes Krogh, 2012)
explain, Because of the strong connection between
dispositions and teaching styles, it is desirable
for individuals in the midst of becoming teachers
to reflect and develop self-awareness of their
own dispositions (p. 33). Subsequently, knowing
which career you want to pursue is an important
first step to tackling your job search and career
goals. Exploring the requirements for your
potential career path, assessing your current
skill set, and
17ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 5 Discussion 2 The National
Association for the Education of Young Children
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As your text states, the early childhood field
takes very seriously the need to adhere to
ethical behavior (Estes Krogh, 2012, pg. 285).
For this reason, the NAEYC has provided
guidelines to assist early childhood educators
with the decisions made on a daily basis that
have both moral and ethical implications.
18ECE 101 Competitive Success/snaptutorial.com
ECE 101 Week 5 Final Paper For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com ECE 101 Week 5
Final Paper
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