Know About Birth Signs | P. Khurrana - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Know About Birth Signs | P. Khurrana


People have always been curiously to think about their future. Astrology gives you approaches to enhance your own identity. The instruments of astrology can be utilized to know the attributes of a man, their characteristics, and weaknesses and in light of that, the individual can discover approaches to progress. To know more about some astrological facts, follow P. Khurrana as your mentor, he is the well-known Indian astrologer he will guide you through the best of his knowledge and experiences. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Updated: 6 July 2018
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Provided by: ourastroindia
Category: Other


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Know About Birth Signs | P. Khurrana

MR P. Khurrana
About P. Khurrana
  • P. Khurrana is world's first Indian Famous
    Astrologer whose Best Seller book "LOVE SIGNS"
    has affected an exhibited record on widespread to
  • In India it is a champion among other heavenly
    prophet offering precious stone looking,
    numerology, vastu, dim charm, mantra, yantra,
    jewels, step by step horoscope organizations.
  • He is India's acclaimed heavenly prophet who can
    give you best differentiating alternative to
    decide your each kind of issue. It gives you
    modernized phenomenal Horoscope (tallying Hand
    print, impression, nails, moles, composing
  • He has a place with Chandigarh, Punjab, anyway
    moderately few understand that he is a father of
    Ayushmann Khurrana
  • P. Khurrana has looked for after the subjects of
    precious stone looking, mantras, numerology, sun
    signs, vastu and tarot with magnificent vitality.
  • Famous Astrologer P Khurrana Associates in
    Chandigarh is a best association in the grouping
    Astrologers, in like manner known for Palmists
    and impressively more.
  • Mr. P. Khurrana a self communicated 'ace' in
    vastu, precious stone looking and dim charm was
    welcome to pass on this regarded talk on the
    topic of Astrology.

Know About Birth Signs
  • Aries is symbolized by a Ram , which is by nature
    rash , contentious, indecent, springy and strong.
    With Mars controlling this sign , individuals
    conceived under the indication of Aries are
    dynamic, driven , intense, sure, fearless and
    indiscreet. They are constantly inspired by
    challenges and once they have accomplished what
    they have looked for, they proceed onward to the
    following venture. They gangs an uncorrupt
    nativity and Aries local must figure out how to
    develop tolerance and to think before they act.
    They have a bottomless measure of physical
    vitality which ought to dependably be
    communicated. On the off chance that it isn't
    discharged , this vitality is probably going to
    rise as animosity , outrage and threatening vibe.
  • Mars the old image of war and activity, solid
    impacts people conceived in April influencing the
    aggressive component to prevail. As the govern
    they battle their way through snags, concerning
    numerous hazardous and encountering numerous
    adjustments throughout their life and profession.
    you should prepare yourself dependably to think
    before you act.

  • Venus the leader of Taurus enriches these
    individuals with graciousness persistence,
    appeal and affection. Individuals conceived amid
    this time of the year are commanding and willful.
    They are down to earth, effective and reliable.
    They are for the most part tolerant and saving
    and have extraordinary intensity of continuance.
    Taurus make unwavering and steadfast companions.
    They are exceptionally cautious about their own
    solace and cash matters. A local whose Sun is in
    the sign Taurus is an erotic individual, and
    extremely envious and nostalgic in matter of sex.
    He can be effectively misdirected by feelings and
  • They are arousing, to a great degree
    enthusiastic, possessive and envious. They are
    clear and coordinate and, contemplate for quite a
    while before settling on a choice. When they have
    an objective as a top priority, anyway , they are
    relatively over the top about accomplishing it.
    They are calm and keeping in mind that it
    requires some investment before outrage is
    lighted, their temper can be abominable and hard
    to control. They are resolved despite all
    restriction, opposing any trade off.

  • As a Mercury ruled Air Sign, Gemini rules mix and
    mental vitality. Gemini locals are versatile, to
    a great degree savvy and clever. People conceived
    amid this period have a double chracter and
    temerament. Their mind-sets are effortlessly
    alterable and generally speaking they are eager,
    discretionary and aspiring. Being scholarly and
    adaptable, they are reasonable for an assortment
    of vocation, including educating, news coverage,
    distributing, offering and acting. Individuals
    with the Sun in Gemini are conflicting in their
    affection life. By nature they are coy and have
    in excess of one issue. One of their challenges
    is a failure to focus and a consistent
    requirement for moment satisfaction which make
    them surrender rather effortlessly. With
    troublesome perspectives they can be excessively
    scattered, fretful and harsh.
  • People conceived in this sign deriver much
    fulfillment from work achieved for their
    temperament has dependably the inclination to
    subject it to serve criticsm a while later. Such
    people regularly accomplish a conspicuous
    position in the focal point of some dynamic
    minute yet they for the most part take after two
    callings one to suit the general population and
    the other to suit themselves.

  • This sign is symbolized by a crab and the
    decision planet, the Moon, gives Cancerians a
    rich creative energy, surliness and tendency
    towards high feelings.
  • People conceived amid this period are variable,
    delicate, surly and anxious. They are
    enthusiastic, constant in their emotions and
    joined to their home and family. Anyway they
    rarely discover local bliss. Being persevering
    and productive they are typically effective in
    business. They frequently achieve high position
    throughout everyday life. They like the security
    of a home base on the grounds that their home,
    local and family life is of prime significance. A
    profession or different interests are on the
    whole exceptionally well yet they require home
    life and all extremely well however they require
    home life and all it proposes to accomplish
    finish satisfaction. Tumor is the indication of
    home darlings and home creators.

  • Spoken to by the Lion, lord of the wilderness,
    Leos must be responsible for their lives
    constantly. They don't care for working for
    others and all that they do must have their own
    stamp. In any case, Leo can likewise speak to a
    standout amongst the most liberal and generous
    indications of the Zodiac, fit for being great
    hosts and entertainers.
  • People conceived amid this period are greatly
    thoughtful, liberal, legitimate, clear and
    specialists. They are pleased and fortunate in
    cash matters. They have a solid self discipline
    and awesome steadiness of reason. They as a rule
    accomplish their destinations despite challenges
    or deterrents. The vocation most appropriate to
    them are the military, common administrations,
    fund, business and governmental issues. In issues
    of adoration they are possessive, enthusiastic
    and faithful. They need for affection which
    frequently evades them because of their tenacious
  • His best pharmaceutical is peace, love , warmth
    and amicability.

  • As the indication of Virgin, Virgos scan for
    virtue through , tidiness , great wellbeing,
    appropriate eating regimen and exercise. They are
    touchy, held, unsure, basic and critical. As they
    are managed by capricious Mercury, Virgos are
    inclined to change whether it be through various
    habitations, employments and perspectives.
  • People conceived amid this period are for the
    most part fruitful throughout everyday life. They
    have great judgments and a sharp scientific
    power. They are neither effectively inspired nor
    tricked by others. They generally endeavor to
    keep up an exclusive expectation of living.
    Virgos can be fruitful in business, and are
    additionally fit for adjusting to various
    occupations, for example, keeping money,
    pharmaceutical, news-casting, law and broadcast
    communications. On the enthusiastic front anyway
    they are hard to get it. Both solid and feeble
    chracters are found in this sun sign.

  • Libra an image of match of equity scales
    demonstrates love of adjust and amicability.
    Venus the decision planet so they are delicate,
    mild-mannered, unobtrusive and obliging. People
    conceived amid this period are conclusive in
    their contemplations and activities. They have
    extraordinary foreknowledge and instinct. They
    are strategic, caution, adjusted and just. They
    have a substantial friend network and associates.
    A wide range of vocations are appropriate to
    them, however they are more fruitful and legal
    counselors, judges, legislators, negotiators and
    salespersons. They regularly hold a noticeable
    position out in the open life. On the conjugal
    front , be that as it may, they are only from
    time to time upbeat.
  • They have close to nothing and no respect for the
    estimation of cash and seldom include their
    undertakings through rash theory and neglectful

  • Scorpions are managed via planet Mars which is
    hot , red hot, enthusiastic and resolute.
    Scorpions are resolute laborers and also amazing
    fanatics. They work hard-in some cases too
    hard-attempting to control their feelings.
    Scorpions are stunning compulsive workers and the
    more difficulties they acknowledge the more
    outlets they will have for all their vitality.
    They are to a great degree decided, business
    arranged and have a ripe creative energy and
    sharp insight. They have profound instinct, great
    feelings and to a great degree elevated
    expectations which they set for themselves as
    well as other people.
  • They are by and large cherished and loved by the
    individuals who know them , however there are not
    very many conceived under this sign who at some
    phase in their profession escape from being
    assaulted by some deceptive type of slander or

  • Sagittarius is symbolized by the Centaur - Half
    pony and Half man who is constantly imagined
    pointing his bow and bolt towards the sky.
    Interminably idealistic and cheerful about the
    future, Sagittarius endeavor to induce others to
    build up a similar demeanor. They are continually
    hunting down the way to information and joy
    without working too difficult to accomplish it.
    They have high standards and are at times plain
    to the point of being agonizingly fierce. They
    have a delight and energy forever and an
    adoration for sports, setting out to outside
    nations, learning and educating. They appreciate
    meeting nonnatives and all the time live abroad
    or wed outsiders.
  • They are most appropriate to a vocation
    associated with educating, composing,
    distributing, research, guard and games. They for
    the most part wed on motivation and are only
    occasionally glad in their wedded life.

  • As per their image of the Goat, Capricornia's
    have tremendous authoritative expertise and a
    staggering want and capacity to accomplish their
    objectives at any cost. Whatever Capricornia's
    embarked to do will be finished to the end in
    spite of numerous snags en route.
  • People conceived amid this period are rationally
    solid, decided, dedicated and autonomous in the
    entirety of their activities. They can exceed
    expectations in any work that requires regulatory
    or administrative aptitudes, including taxpayer
    driven organization, business, horticulture,
    building and trainings.
  • They won't effortlessly blend with individuals.
    They will have a couple of dear companions,
    however on a basic level feel particularly alone.

  • AQUARIUS - (JAN 21ST - FEB 19TH)
  • Aquarius, an Air sign, is frequently mixed up for
    a Water sign since it is symbolized by somebody
    conveying the waters of humankind and pouring it
    over the earth. The component Air speaks to the
    longing to impart fellowship and flexibility to
    whatever remains of the world. Aquarians have
    imaginative personalities and are continually
    looking for inventive activities in which they
    may wind up included. They are socially cognizant
    and are related to bunches battling social and
    political unfairness. Interests extend from
    innovation, to crystal gazing and social work.
  • They take extraordinary interests out in the
    open gatherings and services. In their own life,
    they frequently enjoy surreptitious relationships
    and are miserable in their hitched life.

  • The zodiac indication of Pisces is managed by
    Jupiter which symbolized angle. The character
    of this individual sign is most hard to undermine
    thusly he is slanted to be not the same as
    different signs. Its image perceived by the two
    fishes endeavoring to swim in inverse ways while
    there tails are integrated and this connotes a
    dualistic character making disarray the general
  • People conceived amid this period are liberal,
    thoughtful and kind. They tend to brood and wind
    up melancholic. They are faithful to their
    companions or to any reason they take up, if they
    believe they are trusted. They are for the most
    part fruitful in all places of obligation.
    Pisceans want to love and be adored. Frequently ,
    this lead them to continue with a sentiment

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