Amblyopia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Amblyopia is a reduced vision that is caused by disruption of the normal development of vision during childhood. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Amblyopia

  • Amblyopia is reduced vision that is caused by
    disruption of the normal development of vision
    during childhood.At birth, a babys visual
    system is not yet fully developed. Development of
    the visual system in infancy and early childhood
    requires focused and aligned images being sent
    from both eyes to the brain.When an eye
    condition causes blurry or distorted vision in
    one eye, the brain can learn to ignore the image
    from the affected eye. This lack of proper visual
    stimulation means that the nerve connections
    between that eye and the brain dont develop
    properly and results in amblyopia.

What eye conditions can cause amblyopia?
  • Strabismic amblyopiaStrabismus (sometimes
    called a squint) is when the eyes point in
    different directions. In adults, this generally
    results in double vision or blurred
    vision.Though, to avoid this, a child's brain
    is able to suppress the image from the eye thats
    not straight, causing that eye to become
    amblyopic or 'lazy'. This is known as strabismic
    amblyopia.Refractive amblyopiaWhen the cause
    of amblyopia is refractive errors (such as
    long-sightedness, short-sightedness or
    astigmatism), it is called refractive

What eye conditions can cause amblyopia?
  • When there is a significant difference in the
    refractive error between the eyes such as one
    eye being much more long-sighted than the other
    the brain suppresses the image from the weaker
    eye, causing it to become amblyopic. A high
    refractive error in both eyes (such as both eyes
    being very long-sighted) may cause amblyopia in
    both eyes.Deprivation amblyopiaLess commonly,
    amblyopia can be the result of eye disorders such
    as a congenital cataract (cataract present at
    birth), corneal scar, drooping eyelid (ptosis) or
    a tumor of the eye. These kind of conditions
    deprive the affected eyes of normal visual
    experience, which can significantly affect the
    development of the visual system.This type of
    amblyopia is called deprivation amblyopia, and is
    often the most severe type.

How is amblyopia diagnosed?
  • Amblyopia can usually be diagnosed by a full
    examination of the eyes. If you suspect that
    there is any problem with your childs eyes, you
    should consult your doctor. A child is never too
    young to have their eyes examined.Because of
    the importance of early detection, eye checks are
    recommended for infants and children as part of
    their routine health checks. All children should
    routinely have their eyes tested before school
    age.This is especially important for conditions
    where the eyes look normal but in fact have
    refractive errors or other problems that are
    preventing the normal development of vision.

Symptoms of amblyopia
  • Children with amblyopia are often too young to
    describe their symptoms. Parents might notice
    symptoms of an underlying eye problem or signs of
    reduced vision in one eye.You may notice
  • your child covering one eye
  • your child squinting or shutting one eye
  • your child holding objects closely to try to see
    them clearly
  • One eye does not look in the same direction as
    the other (crossing in or turning outwards).
  • Older children may notice they have problems
    with vision in one eye or with depth

Treatment for amblyopia
  • The treatment for amblyopia usually involves
  • The treatment of the underlying cause and
  • By using eye patches or eye drops to strengthen
    the lazy eye.
  • The sooner amblyopia is treated, the better the
    chance that your child will regain normal vision.
    Though, studies have depicted that amblyopia
    treatment can also help improve vision in older

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