Title: Christian Funeral Package
1Welcome To Comfort Casket.com.sg
- Prominent Funeral Service Providers in Singapore
2About US
At the time of loss of someone beloved you may
need a supportive hand in order to pay his/her
last rights and trustworthy Repatriation
services, Singapore can make this Job easy for
you with their services of funeral Arrangements
that include funeral director Singapore, Funeral
homes and other important things required.
Unfortunately, if the almighty put you in such a
condition then you may bank upon us as we are one
of some trustworthy Singapore Funeral Services.
3Our Funeral Services
- Funeral Parlor
- Obituary Service
- Exhumation Services
- Professional Embalmers
- International Repatriation
- 24 hours Doctor Certification
- Caskets
- Funeral Package
- Taoism Package
- Buddhist Package
- Christian Package
- Free Thinker Package
4Funeral Services
6Contact US
Address 124 Rangoon Road Singapore
218402. Website - http//comfortcasket.com.sg Ma
il - comfortcasket_at_gmail.com Tel
- 65 9721 7291
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