A More About Speech Therapy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A More About Speech Therapy


1. Language Disorders: Why do You Need Speech Therapist 2. Does Your Child have a Language and Speech Delay: Speech Therapy Can Help You? 3. Importance of speech therapy for children 4. How To Identify If A Child Needs Speech Therapy 5. Effectiveness Of Speech Therapy 6. Speech Therapist and Speech Disorders Find out more at: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: A More About Speech Therapy

A More About Speech Therapy
  1. Language Disorders Why do You Need Speech
  2. Does Your Child have a Language and Speech Delay
    Speech Therapy Can Help You?
  3. Importance of speech therapy for children
  4. How To Identify If A Child Needs Speech Therapy
  5. Effectiveness Of Speech Therapy
  6. Speech Therapist and Speech Disorders

Language Disorders Why do You Need Speech
  • What Is Speech Therapy?
  • Speech therapy is something when a certified
    speech-language practitioner known as a
    speech-language pathologist works with a child or
    adult who is having difficulty in communication
    such as speech difficulties, written language
    problem, voice disorders, language issues,
    swallowing, spoken and shuttering. The
    speech-language pathologist help to identify the
    problem of the patient, evaluate it, and provide
    immediate treatment for it. Specifically, in
    education communication disorders, there are two
    most important things in which are needed to be
    focus, what you as a caregiver or parent can do
    and how the therapist can help, this is what we
    do first in our assessment and treatment.
  • Importance of Speech Therapy
  • Speech therapy is a kind of issue that if not
    addressed in a timely manner, the problems with
    communication can have a lifelong effect. If your
    child is getting older with communication
    difficulties, it will be more difficult for him
    to be successful in school and make friends. If
    the problem left untreated, in adulthood there
    can be many after effects which can be both
    professional and social. The Adults with
    communication disorder always find themselves
    struggling in their personal life and work life.
    This is why early intervention is key to get
    cured at any age.

Does Your Child have a Language and Speech Delay
Speech Therapy Can Help You?
  • The speech-language pathologists can help treat
  • Expressive language problems Issues with
    speaking such as (expressing) language.
  • Receptive language problems Issues understanding
    such as (receiving) language.
  • Pragmatic language problems issues using the
    language in socially suitable ways. The
    speech-language pathologists use tailored
    strategies for every child to accomplish specific
    challenge, these strategies might include
  • Linguistic intervention activities These
    activities have the ability to build skills in
    many ways, which includes providing kids
    feedback and modeling. The speech therapist may
    use books and pictures or play-based therapy. The
    therapist may introduce language drills in order
    to practice skills.
  • Articulation therapy In this therapy, the
    speech-language pathologist models the sounds the
    kid is facing difficulty with. This may involve
    the demonstration of how to move the tongue in a
    way that it creates specific sounds.
  • Feeding and swallowing therapy In this therapy,
    the speech-language pathologist explains the
    child those exercises which help in strengthening
    the muscles of the mouth. This includes various
    lip, tongue, facial massage, and jaw-related
    exercises. The therapist may also use some food
    textures to boost awareness in the child while,
    eating and swallowing.

Importance of speech therapy for children
  • Helps the Child to Enunciate
  • Problems with enunciation occur due to muscle in
    coordination or due to cleft palate problems.
    Speech therapy is an impactful way to help the
    child acquire the skills needed to produce the
    words clearly and correctly. With some sessions
    of speech therapy, the child will have no trouble
    producing words and sounds. They will easily be
    understood by others.
  • Gives the Child A Way to Communicate
  • Children who reach the age of three, and have not
    yet developed their communication skills might
    require some external help. Speech therapy is the
    way to go about and help these kids find their
  • Helps the Child with Language
  • Speech therapy is not just limited to helping the
    child correct their speech it also helps with
    their language. Most people have this
    misconception that all speech therapy focuses on
    is related to speech. When in reality, it centers
    more than that. The childs comprehension,
    grammar, sequencing and many more skills are
    taught and developed.
  • Helps the Child with Developing Social Skills
  • In our society and community, you cannot go far
    if you lack in social skills. In order to live
    and survive in this world, we need to interact
    with the rest of our kind. These skills are
    essential to be developed from an early age.

How To Identify If A Child Needs Speech Therapy
  • Your Child Is Not Socially Interactive
  • When babies are of 3 months or so, they respond
    to you by smiling or by making coo-ing sounds. By
    the time they turn 2, they are able to figure out
    when you ask them more juice or get your
    shoes. At this stage, they have the capability
    to understand you and respond back to you.
    However, if your child shows no such signs of
    receptiveness, you should consider the
    possibilities of speech therapy for your child.
  • Sounds Or Words Are Notably Reduced
  • Once your baby turns 1, he or she should have the
    ability to make out the words you speak. by the
    time the baby turns two, he or she should have a
    vocabulary of around 50 words. During this time,
    if you sense your child is speaking hardly any
    words or is not at all talking, its time to take
    your child for speech therapy.
  • You Are Not Able To Comprehend What Your Child
  • Now that your baby is somewhere between the age
    of 18 to 24 months, you should have no difficulty
    understanding what your child is saying. However,
    if you are not able to make out what your child
    is saying, it may be a sign that your child
    requires speech therapy.

How To Identify If A Child Needs Speech Therapy
  • Your 2 Year Old Is Not Able To Put Together Two
  • There is no hard and fast rule that by the time
    your baby turns 18 months old, he or she should
    have the ability to connect two words together.
    Some babies are not able to develop this ability
    till they turn 2 or two and a half years old.
    However, if your child has turned 3 and is still
    not able to speak words like mama milk or my
    ball daddy play, you might want to consult a
    speech therapist for speech therapy.
  • You Sense Your Child Is Having Difficulty Saying
    Words Or Making Sounds
  • If you feel that your two-year-old child is
    having difficulty saying words that have easy
    consonants such as ma or pa, or if your child
    has reached the age of three and is unable to
    make harder sounds of the alphabets K or G,
    there is a high possibility you child has speech
    difficulties and may need speech therapy.

Effectiveness Of Speech Therapy
  • Improving speech muscle coordination
  • Speech therapy is an excellent way to help
    improve the coordination of your speech muscles.
    Through various coordination and strengthening
    exercises, speech therapy becomes effective for
    the non-verbal.
  • Improving Communication between body and brain
  • Our body is indeed a remarkable and astounding
    piece of work. The wirings of our brains are what
    gives the message to our body to perform a task.
    For an autistic or non-verbal person, speech
    therapy is effective in improving the
    communication gap between brain and the body.
    With the help of auditory and visual aids used in
    speech therapy, an autistic or non-verbal
    individual will be able to see a marked
    difference in themselves.
  • Improving eloquence
  • Another effective way speech therapy helps an
    autistic or non-verbal individual is by improving
    their fluency in eloquence. The therapy requires
    you to do some breathing exercises as a way to
    help improve your articulateness.

Effectiveness Of Speech Therapy
  • Enhances language learning
  • With the help of positive reinforcements
    integrated into speech therapy, the autistic or
    non-verbal individual gets motivated to improve
    their language skills.
  • Improving communication
  • An autistic or non-verbal individual will have
    difficulty in verbally communicating with others.
    Speech therapy allows the individual to find
    another way of communication. This can be through
    communication devices, signing or even gestures.
  • Improving ability to express oneself
  • An autistic or non-verbal person has to face the
    hurdles of communicating their feelings, ideas,
    and thoughts to others. This can be quite a major
    obstacle that is difficult for the person to deal
    all by himself or herself. In such cases, speech
    therapy works wonders for them. They are able to
    find a voice for themselves.
  • An Increase In Self-Esteem
  • An autistic or non-verbal child is aware of the
    fact that they are different from the rest.
    Knowing this stops them from making any efforts
    to communicate with the public. When an autistic
    child faces a world full of kids similar to his
    age, he naturally pulls himself away and stays
    silent. The cruel world we live in today
    constantly reminds these kids that they are

Speech Therapist and Speech Disorders
  • Expressive In this problem, it is difficult for
    a person or a kid to put words together, problems
    in using the language in a socially correct way,
    and sometime it includes limited vocabulary.
  • Receptive In this disorder the child will face
    processing and understanding of the language.
  • Among all, the most common speech disorder is
    stuttering, apraxia, and dysarthria.
  • The speech disorder with mild intensity may not
    require any treatment. It is also a fact, that
    some speech disorders may simply go away with the
    time and others can be treated with speech
  • The treatment of the issue depends and varies on
    the type of disorder. In a treatment through
    speech therapy, a professional speech therapist
    will introduce different exercises that
    specifically work to strengthen the muscles in
    your throat and face. From this treatment the
    person will learn to control speaking and
    breathing because it improves the sound of the

The End
  • For more details, please visit
  • https//therapyspot.ca/service-handbooks/
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