h t t p / / w w w . g o n z a b a u r g e n t c
a r e . c o m / u r g e n t - c a r e - s e r v i
c e s / a i l m e n t s / h e m o r r h o i d s /
2Hemorrhoids or piles is a very common issue,
people feel embarrassed or shy to talk openly
about it. Thus, it has led to an emergence of a
lot of myths. To prevent and cure hemorrhoids,
you have to make sure you can differentiate
between the facts and myths
3Hemorrhoids are permanent and cannot be
cured This being one of the most heard things,
believes that hemorrhoids are recurrent and
there is no cure for it. This condition can be
caused because of various reasons, some of them
being pregnancy, old age, and sitting for long
time periods It leads to cancer There is no
evidence that Hemorrhoids increase the risk of
cancer. The symptoms of a colon cancer and Piles
are very much similar to each other.
4During the Hemorrhoids treatments in San Antonio,
doctors increase the patients awareness by
explaining the differences between cancer and
this disease so that they dont arrive at any
vague conclusion!
Spicy food causes hemorrhoids Constipation can
be one of the risk factors for developing Piles.
Hence, what you eat and drink does matter. But
then, spicy foods and hemorrhoids have no
correlation whatsoever. This is certainly
something which you dont want to believe! The
only problem spicy foods cause is that they mess
up your digestive system and lead to an upset
5Hemorrhoids are just for the senior citizens Olde
r people are more likely to suffer from this condi
tion because of the weakening and degrading of t
he walls in the rectum area. Excessive exercise
can lead to Hemorrhoids Regular exercise helps pr
events constipation and weight gain and so, declin
es the risk of suffering from piles. The assumptio
ns that excessive physical exercise can lead
to this ailment are baseless.
6This article is originally appeared on
h t t p / / h e a l t h f i r s t m a g a z i n
e . b l o g s p o t . c o m / 2 0 1 8 / 0 7 / b u
s t e d - 5 - m y t h s - a b o u t - h e m o r
r h o i d s . h t m l