1Home remedies for viburnum leaf beetle control
- Here, we provide you details about how to control
viburnum leaf beetle with home remedies.
2Garlic, Onions and Hot Pepper You can make use
of garlic to get rid of viburnum leaf beetle. You
need to place garlic cloves around your garden.
It helps you in controlling leaf beetles. Garlic
is very effective repellent. You can make
mixture of garlic for elimination of leaf
beetles. You just need to take onion, dried
pepper and 5 cloves of garlic. Add 12 cups of
water with liquid dish wash. Let it sit for 24
hours. Put it into a spray bottle. Spray it on
plants to get rid of infestation of leaf
3Pyrethrins Pyrethrins are an extract of plants,
flowers. It acts as natural insecticide.
Pyrethrins causes effect on insects, beetles and
other pests. It attacks the nervous system of
leaf beetles.
4 Insecticidal Soaps You can use insecticidal
soaps for repletion of leaf beetles. It contains
fatty acids. Insecticidal Soaps are capable of
controlling infestation of leaf beetles. It
causes dehydration to leaf beetles that time they
come in contact with soaps. These soaps damage
respiratory system of leaf beetles.
5 Companion Plants Some plants help in repelling
beetles naturally. Start companion planting
plants which keep beetles away from your garden.
You can plant marigolds. Marigolds help you in
controlling leaf beetles.
6Neem Products Neem is very effective repellent
for insects. These neem products come in various
kinds. You can get neem oil or neem soap. Neem is
low in toxicity. You need to coat your plants
leaves with neem spray. Neem acts as an
antibiotic. It affects the hormone system of
viburnum leaf beetle. Neem helps in repelling
activity of egg laying of insects. You can
control infestation of viburnum leaf beetle by
neem products.