Title: HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
1HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
2HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES
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details of All quizzes under individual Products
HCA 375 Week 1 DQ 1 CQI Process HCA 375 Week 1 DQ
2 Promoting CQI Efforts HCA 375 Week 1 Quiz (2
Set) HCA 375 Week 2 DQ 1 Comparative Performance
HCA 375 Week 2 DQ 2 Managed Care
3HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Final Exam (100 Question) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hca375cart.com 100-question
multiple-choice exam HCA 375 Final Exam (100
Question) 1. Federal regulations require that
states who contract with Medicaid managed care
organizations (MCO) or Prepaid Inpatient Health
Plans (PIHP) do which of the following?
4HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Week 1 DQ 1 CQI Process FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hca375cart.com CQI Process. Review
the illustration of the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA)
model on the Institute for Health Care
Improvement website. Identify an issue at your
work, home, or community that could use
improvement. After reviewing the information
about the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model, list
your answers to the top three questions and list
the personnel to include on a team that would
develop the action plan for improvement.
5HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Week 1 DQ 2 Promoting CQI Efforts FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hca375cart.com Promoting
CQI Efforts. The Institute of Medicine (IOM)
developed six specific aims to ensure the
delivery and improvement of health care. Choose
two from the six aims Safe, effective, patient-
centered, timely, efficient and equitable
(Institute of Medicine, 2001). Of the two aims
you chose, discuss the effects on the delivery of
quality care. Give an example of how a hospital
or physician practice can meet these aims.
6HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Week 1 Quiz (2 Set) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hca375cart.com HCA 375 Week 1 Quiz (2
Set) Grade Details - All Questions Question 1.
Which expanded health insurance coverage to a
large number of uninsured in the United States?
Question 2. If an organization is analyzing
information to determine the success or failure
of different interventions, then the organization
is likely in which phase of the PDSA cycle?
7HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Week 2 Assignment Customer Satisfaction
Improvement Plan (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hca375cart.com This Tutorial contains
2 Papers Paper 1 Emergency Department Paper 2
Car Repairs Customer Satisfaction Improvement
Plan. Most people have experienced frustration
when talking with customer service at least once.
Often, organizations provide satisfaction surveys
to customers in order to evaluate their
8HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Week 2 DQ 1 Comparative Performance FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hca375cart.com Comparativ
e Performance. Visit the Quality Check page of
The Joint Commission website, enter the name and
state of a health care organization within 100
miles of your home, and select search. Take the
following steps to find two health care
organizations Under the column organization
name or number, type the healthcare organization
name and state (e.g., Hospital Hurley Medical
Center, Michigan).
9HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Week 2 DQ 2 Managed Care FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hca375cart.com Managed Care.
After reading Chapters 3 and 4, you should be
familiar with the many stakeholders involved in
the health care system. In the early 70s
legislation was created for the establishment of
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) in an
attempt to reduce health care costs due to the
excessive spending of the fee-for-service health
10HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Week 2 Quiz (2 Set) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hca375cart.com HCA 375 Week 2 Quiz (2
Set) Grade Details - All Questions Question 1. An
integrated delivery system Question 2. The
largest accrediting agency of health care
organizations in the United States is Question 3.
Which of the following is an Accreditation
11HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
VISIT www.hca375cart.com CQI Models. After
reading Chapter 1 through 4, you should be
familiar with quality improvement initiatives
including NCQAs HEDIS measures. Health plans
and physicians must ensure they are meeting
standards set by the accreditation agencies, such
as NCQA.
12HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Week 3 DQ 2 Mandates and Cost FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hca375cart.com Mandates and
Cost. The Department of Health and Human Services
has oversight of several agencies (i.e., FDA,
CDC, AHRQ, NIH, CMS) that regulate health care in
the United States. Regulation encompasses
insurance plans, cost, research, safety, all in
the name of delivering quality care in a cost
effective manner. These agencies are responsible
for monitoring compliance and enforcing
legislative mandates.
13HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Week 3 Quiz (2 Set) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hca375cart.com HCA 375 Week 3 Quiz (2
Set) Grade Details - All Questions Question 1.
Donabedians model of care is categorized into 3
groups. What are the three groups? Question 2.
The approach of following a patients health into
the future is called Question 3. One method used
to extract new data is Question 4. In what stage
of PDSA do we identify the problem?
14HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Week 4 Assignment Adverse Event
Reporting (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hca375cart.com This Tutorial contains
2 Papers Adverse Event Reporting. Read Chapters
5, 6, and 7 in our textbook. After reviewing this
weeks required reading, consider the following
scenario You are the lead of the risk management
team that has been assigned to evaluate an
incident that has occurred. You will be preparing
a report for the CEO of the hospital that
includes all system failures that contributed to
the adverse event as well as utilizing a CQI tool
(pareto, fishbone, flowchart).
15HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Week 4 DQ 1 CQI Methodologies FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hca375cart.com CQI
Methodologies. Choose two of the CQI
methodologies (PDSA, Lean or SixSigma). How do
these methodologies utilize data? Discuss the
significance of the collection and analysis of
data in CQI processes.
16HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Week 4 DQ 2 Joint Commission Standards
and Processes FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hca375car
t.com Joint Commission Standards and Processes.
Health care Providers may volunteer to be
accredited by an external body. The Centers of
Medicare and Medicaid provide an updated list of
approved accrediting organizations. For this
discussion, we are focusing on the acute care
17HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Week 4 Quiz (2 Set) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hca375cart.com HCA 375 Week 4 Quiz (2
Set) Grade Details - All Questions Question 1.
Kaizen event would be characterized by all of the
following EXCEPT Question 2. Which of the
following statements is TRUE about the difference
between Six Sigma and Lean Theory quality
improvement methodologies? Question 3. Two
popular methodologies to improve health care are
Question 4. In using the steps of the DMAIC
process, which would be an example of Analyze?
18HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com
HCA 375 Week 5 DQ 1 Communication and
Teamwork FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hca375cart.com
Communication and Teamwork. After completing
this weeks reading, you have learned that
teamwork is an essential part of Continuous
Quality Improvement (CQI) and healthcare
delivery. Healthcare professional roles include
physicians, nurses, diagnostics (laboratory ) and
radiology staff, hospital administrators, patient
registration, pharmacists, and triage staff, etc.
19HCA 375 CART Education Your Life--hca375cart.com