Title: Debunking Hair Loss Myths With 5 Pointers
1Debunking Hair Loss Myths With 5 Pointers
h t t p s / / w w w . v l c c w e l l n e s s .
c o m / U A E / e n / h a i r - c a r e / h a i r
- f a l l - c o n t r o l /
2Do you look at the bathroom floor after shower
and horrified to find strands of hair? Does your
comb have more hair than it should? While these
are signs of hair fall, you should not be
worried about losing your tresses until and
unless you know the exact reasons.
3Hair Loss Is Due to Old age This is a completely
false fact because hair loss has nothing to do
with age. Yes, theres male pattern baldness and
female pattern baldness, which occur due to
varied reasons and over the time, worsen. Still,
it can happen to anyone and at any age, not just
when you are old.
Wearing Headgear Speeds Up Hair Loss Another
common hair loss myth is that you can end up
losing hair due to wearing a hat or helmet or
any other headgear for that matter. This is
baseless because wearing anything on the head
has nothing to do with hair loss. What it does is
pull at your hair and hence, your hair starts
breaking or falling out.
4Stress Makes You Lose Hai There can be certain
traumatic events that can cause personal
setbacks. These can lead to emotional stress and
lead to telogen effluvium. This is a hair
shedding phase, where hair follicles go in
resting and stop growing.
Using Too May Chemicals Can lead to Hair Loss If
you are someone who loves to experiment with
different hair styles such as bleaching,
perming, straightening, smoothening, coloring
etc., you need not be afraid of losing your
hair. This is because hair loss has nothing to do
with hair products.
5Birth Control Pills Leads to Hair Loss Oral contra
ceptives can be a problem for your hair when you a
re taking an older version of the pill. The new
ones have less side-effects and wont cause muc
h of a problem.
Calling It a Day These are some of the most
common hair loss myths, which you need to know
about. If you have unexpected hair issues and
cant really do anything about it, then opting
for hair loss treatment for women or men is a
better idea
6- This article is originally appeared on
h t t p / / h e a l t h c a r e i n d u b a i .
b l o g s p o t . c o m / 2 0 1 8 / 0 7 / d e b u
n k i n g - h a i r - l o s s - m y t h s - w i t
h - 5 . h t m l