Title: ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
1ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
2ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Entire Course
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 1 Individual Assignment
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Briefing -
- ACC 548 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Text
Problem Sets -
- ACC 548 Week 3 Individual Assignment Text Problem
Sets -
- ACC 548 Week 4 Individual Assignment
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
Presentation -
3ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 1 Assignment Ex 1-1, Ex 1-3, Ex 2-2,
Ex 2-5, Ex 3-1, Ex 3-5 -
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- EX 1-1
- 2. If businesses are governed by the
marketplace, governments are governed by - 4. In governments, in contrast to businesses,
- 6. The number of governmental units in the
United States is approximately - 8. Interperiod equity refers to a condition
whereby - 10. Which of the following is not one of the
FASB's financial reporting objectives? - EX. 13 Internet-based exercise
4ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 1 Comprehensive Annual Financial
Report Briefing -
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 1 Comprehensive Annual Financial
Report Briefing - Select a government entity of your choice. It
can be a state, county, city, town, school
district, or any other government entity.
Preferably select one in which you have a vested
interest, such as where you live, work or send
your kids to school.
5ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 2 Assignment E4-3, E5-6, E6-4, E6-7
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- Complete the following exercises from Government
and Not-for-Profit Accounting - E4-3
- E5-6
- E6-4
- E6-7
- Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your
assignment -
6ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 2 Government Funds
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 2 Government Funds
- Review the CAFR obtained in Week One. Review the
types of government funds used by the entity. - Prepare a new Power Point presentation for the
new Board members. The presentation should be
between 8 to 10 slides and include the
7ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 2 Sources of Revenue
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 2 Sources of Revenue
- Prepare an Excel workbook that contains a
separate spreadsheet for each individual
government entity. The spreadsheets should list
the following - The principle sources of revenues for the general
8ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 3 Assignment E7-3, E8-4
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- Complete the following exercises from Government
and Not-for-Profit Organizations - E7-3
- E8-4
- Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your
assignment. - P. 7-3
- Which is the proper value to be assigned to
certain donated assets? (This is a question for
which answers cannot be found in either GASB
pronouncements or in this text.)
9ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 3 Proprietary Funds
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 3 Proprietary Funds
- Review the CAFR obtained in Week One. Review the
types of proprietary funds used by the government
entity. - Prepare a new Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
for the new Board members. The presentation
should be between 8 to 10 slides and include the
following - A description of the purpose, types, and
characteristics of proprietary funds.
10ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 4 DQs
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- 1. How is a private purpose trust fund different
from a permanent fund? - 2. What typically are the main adjustments
relating to capital assets and long-term
obligations required to convert the government
funds statement of revenues and expenditures to
the government-wide statement of activities?
11ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 4 Pensions
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 4 Pensions
- Prepare a paper of no more than 1,050 words that
answers the following questions for each state - What type of pension fund does the state provide
to employees - How is the pension fund actually funded who
pays for it - Is the pension fully funded
- What pay and benefits are provided by the pension
- How much is currently in the pension fund
12ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 4 Permanent and Fiduciary Funds
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 4 Permanent and Fiduciary Funds
- Review the CAFR obtained in Week One. Review the
types of fiduciary funds used by the government
entity. - Prepare a new Power Point presentation for the
new Board members. The presentation should be
between 8 to 10 slides and include the
following - A description of the purpose, types, and
characteristics of fiduciary funds.a
13ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 5 Accounting for Not-for-Profit
Organizations Presentation -
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 5 Accounting for Not-for-Profit
Organizations - Prepare a Power Point presentation of between 12
to 15 slides accomplishing the following - Describe the purposes, characteristics, funding
and accounting for not-for-profit organizations.
14ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 5 Not-for-Profit Organizations
Sources of Funding and Primary Expenditures -
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 5 Not-for-Profit Organizations
Sources of Funding and Primary Expenditures - Write a paper of no more than 1,050 words that
answers the following questions for each site - What is the mission and purpose of each
organization - What are the primary sources of funding for each
- What are the primary expenditures for each
15ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 6 Federal Budgeting and Accounting
(Paper and PPT) -
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.newtonhelp.com
- ACC 548 Week 6 Federal Budgeting and Accounting
- Review the federal budget and the budget tables
for the U.S. federal government. - Prepare an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint
presentation focusing on the federal budget for
fiscal year (FY) 2015. Answer the following - What are the total revenues and expenditures
projected for FY15 (Table S-1)
16ACC 548 Education Begins/newtonhelp.com