Title: Adil Baguirov - Experienced Professional From Dayton, Ohio
1Adil Baguirov
Board Member and Former President, Dayton Board
Of Education Principal, American Power
2Adil Baguirov always listens to people working
for him. He empowers his subordinates to take
responsibility for tasks, he is always there to
lead and coach them.
3He also believes in helping his subordinates when
things go wrong and praising them for good
4Adil Baguirov co-founded many organizations
including the U.S. Azer is Network and the
Karabakh Foundation. He has played a vital role
in establishing Miami Valley Education Advocacy
5Adil Baruirov served as a committee member of the
City of Learners organization in Dayton in 2014.
6He also worked as the chairman of the Dayton
Public Schools Technology Steering Committee from
2015 to 2017. Adil Baguirov also worked for the
Dayton Education Board.
7Adil Baguirov believes in sharing his knowledge
with others. He authored numerous academic books
and articles.
8On the education front, Adil Baguirov earned his
undergraduate degree in international relations
and business administration from the University
of Southern California and the Ph.D. degree from
Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
Find out more about him at his official site