Title: SOC 320 Ash Inspiring Minds/newtonhelp.com
1SOC 320 Ash Inspiring Minds/newtonhelp.com
2SOC 320 Week 1 DQ 1 Public Policy (Ash Course)
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- Public PolicyConsider and explain the following
statement, Public policy is both what government
does and what it does not do (Theodoulou
Kofinis, 2012).
3SOC 320 Week 1 DQ 2 Republic or Democracy and to
the republic for which we stand (Ash Course)
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- Republic or Democracy? and to the republic for
which we stand Review the Declaration of
Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance. Then,
discuss republicanism and democracy in U.S.
4SOC 320 Week 1 Journal Reflections on Federal
Environmental Policy (Ash Course)
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- Reflections on Federal Environmental Policy
- For your journal entry, you will explore aspects
of your personal experience and/or beliefs
regarding significant public policies and what
you have learned in your readings. As you
reflect, please address the following questions
5SOC 320 Week 2 Assignment Education in the United
States (Ash Course)
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- Education in the United States
- Read Chapter 9 of The Policy Game Understanding
U.S. Policy Making, and watch Changing Education
Paradigms (or read the transcript). Then, write a
paper on the problem of education in the United
States. Share your reactions to the concepts and
perspective presented in the video.
6SOC 320 Week 2 DQ 1 Policy Process Theories (Ash
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- Policy Process TheoriesDescribe the
Stages-Heuristic theory of the policy process.
What are the stages of policy development it
includes? Discuss this theory and compare it to
the other dominant theoretical frameworks.
7SOC 320 Week 2 DQ 2 Problem Identification and
Agenda Setting (Ash Course)
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- Problem Identification and Agenda
SettingExamine and evaluate the problem
identification and agenda setting stages of the
policy process in this weeks required reading
assignment. Discuss the process whereby a problem
ultimately ends up on an agenda to be discussed.
Then, discuss the agenda setting process as it
relates to education
8SOC 320 Week 2 Journal Reflections on Education
Policy (Ash Course)
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- Reflections on Education Policy
- For your journal entry, you will explore aspects
of your personal experience and/or beliefs
regarding significant public policies and what
you have learned in this course. As you reflect
this week, please discuss the following questions
9SOC 320 Week 3 DQ 1 MADD Grassroots Movement to
Policy (Ash Course)
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- MADD Grassroots Movement to PolicyGiven
that grassroots organizations often do not have
the expertise, stature, or other resources of
larger, more institutional stakeholders, what
tools do grassroots organizations have that
enable them to successfully influence policy? To
what degree do you think MADD has changed over
its history from a grassroots organization to a
more institutional stakeholder?
10SOC 320 Week 3 DQ 2 Social Security (Ash Course)
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- Social SecurityPublic surveys indicate that ¾
of younger Americans think that Social Security
is a dead program. What would make them have
such a dim view? Does the strength of the
American Association of Retired persons (AARP)
play into this perspective? What are some
alternatives to the program as it is now?
11SOC 320 Week 3 Journal Reflections on Federal
Welfare Policy (Ash Course)
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- Reflections on Federal Welfare Policy
- For your journal entry, you will explore aspects
of your personal experience and/or beliefs
regarding significant public policies and what
you have learned in your readings. As you
reflect, please address the following questions
12SOC 320 Week 4 DQ 1 Lobbying (Ash Course)
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- LobbyingIt is often said that lobbying is both
an art and science. Imagine that because of your
knowledge of the legislative process, you have
decided to become more active in attempting to
influence the legislative process.
13SOC 320 Week 4 DQ 2 Health Care Reform Explained
(Ash Course)
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- Health Care Reform ExplainedWatch Health Reform
Hits Main Street The YouToons Explain the New
Health Law. Then, review the information
available at Illustrating Health Care Reform How
Health Insurance Coverage Will Work.
14SOC 320 Week 4 Journal Reflections on Health Care
Policy (Ash Course)
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- Reflections on Health-Care Policy
- Watch Rebecca Onie What if our healthcare system
kept us healthy? For your journal entry, you will
explore aspects of your personal experience
and/or beliefs regarding significant public
policies and what you have learned in your
readings. As you reflect, please address the
following questions
15SOC 320 Week 5 DQ 1 Obama and Romney on
Immigration (Ash Course)
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- Obama and Romney on ImmigrationWatch Obama
and Romney Debate Each Others Immigration Policy
(2012 Presidential Debate 2). As a supporter of
one side of this issue, identify the points made
by the presidential candidate that most closely
represents your perspective.
16SOC 320 Week 5 DQ 2 Policy Termination (Ash
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- Policy TerminationDont Ask Dont Tell (DADT)
was a compromise between the Clinton
administration and its opponents in Congress and
the military. Compromise sometimes yields good
policy, but sometimes it produces internally
inconsistent and counterproductive policy. Using
DADT as an example,
17SOC 320 Week 5 Journal Reflections on Federal
Immigration Policy (Ash Course)
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- www.newtonhelp.com
- Reflections on Federal Immigration Policy
- For your journal entry, you will explore aspects
of your personal experience and/or beliefs
regarding significant public policies and what
you have learned in your readings. As you
reflect, please address the following questions
18SOC 320 Ash Inspiring Minds/newtonhelp.com