Title: Augmented Reality in Education (2)
1Augmented Reality In Education
2Table of Content
1. What is augmented reality in education? 2. Why
to Use AR in Education? 3. What are the Benefits
of AR in Education? 4. Which Education sector
using AR?
3What is Augmented Reality in Education?
Augmented reality is immerse learners to real
world and displays the content in the form of 3D
videos and images that make the things easy to
learn in an entertaining way. It is easier for
both teachers and students to have the
understanding of the topics.
4Why to Use AR in Education?
- 1. Learn Easily- Students easily understand and
learn in praciical manner. - 2. Interaction- Teacher teaches their subjects
and interact towards subject through AR with
text, images and video information. - 3. No Physical Training Stuff- Most of the
medical students need to physical training such
as x-ray, or problems inside the human body. - 4. Reduces Learning Time- It takes less time to
learn the things using AR rather than the
traditional teaching methods
5What are the Benefits of AR in Education?
- 1. Using augmented reality in education industry
increases students presence in the classroom and
also the students interaction towards study. - 2. It help students to learn and understand tough
topics in an easy manner. - 3. Through AR apps, people would be able to learn
anything easily from any anywhere. - 4. Students learns anything faster as compared to
traditional studies.
6 Which Education sector using AR?
Augmented Reality technology can be used from
junior level to higher education institutions.
Using this technology in institutions like
Medical, Junior level classes, High Schools,
Engineering etc. will change the way of learning
and also it encourage students to get motivated
towards study. This technology is very helpful
for the defense training institution where the
trainees would get lots of opportunities to learn
the skills in a practical manner that is not
possible with the trendy training methods.
7Thank You For Watching
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