Title: FaucetHub alternative is now Faucet.ly
1Step 1 - Firstly, search in browser faucet.ly and
click on Sign up Now.
2Step 2 - Now, you can see the registration form
in your screen.
3Step 3 - You need fill the form and agree terms
and clear the robot verification process and
click on Sign Up button.
4Step 4 - After clicking on sign up button, you
need verify your email address.
5Step 5 - Now, you can login and create your first
faucet. Before creating first faucet you need to
link your BTC Bitcoin Address and other once.
6Step 6 - Now, you can see your dashboard like
Overview, Statistic, Linked Address, Deposit, and
7Step 7 - Now, if you want to add your faucet site
in our website and need scrip? Then, you need to
go faucet dashboard and add site.