Title: Signs of a Shady Landlord
1Signs of a Shady Landlord
Signs of Shady Landlord
2Having a good landlord is key to living a happy
life in an off campus residence. So, aside from
checking the amenities of the student apartments
for rent near fanshawe college london ontario, it
would also be good for you to observe their
landlords and see if they would be someone you
can rely on. Here are a few traits and behaviours
to watch out for
3Doesnt Provide Their Contact Information
- Providing contact information to incoming
residents is a common practice among property
managers of reputable student apartments london
ontario. The landlords who do not readily provide
this information are obviously not very
responsible, and you wouldnt want to end up in a
student apartment where youd have a hard time
contacting the landlord when something needs
4Leasing with college residences like Residence on
First, which are run by property managers with
several years experience, can give you peace of
mind knowing that you will always be able to get
in touch with them at any time and promptly get
the assistance you need.
5Doesnt Provide Clear Lease Terms
- Your lease contract should be detailed and state
all the terms clearly. Review the lease contract
thoroughly and ask questions when certain things
are either not included in the document or are
not clear to you. The landlord should be able to
explain these things to you or assure you that
they would include the terms in the contract.
Dont sign anything until everything is written
in black and white.
6Insists That You Sign the Lease Right Away
- You should be given ample time to tour the
residence, review the lease contract, and explore
all of your options before you make a decision.
If the landlord is very aggressive and keeps on
insisting that you sign their lease contract
right away, you might need to stop considering
their apartment altogether. A landlord should
always be professional when dealing with you.
7If, at this early stage, they seem to be
exhibiting certain behaviour that deviate from
professionalism, then you know that you will not
be happy with how they will treat you once youve
signed their lease agreement.These are some of
the things you need to watch out for when meeting
a student apartment landlord. It is important for
you to remember that you should never sign a
lease contract unless everything is stated
8So, keep these warning signs in mind and only
sign a lease agreement when youve thoroughly
reviewed it and youre happy with all the terms.