Title: 5 reasons of rejection for your australian visa
15 common reasons of rejection of Australian visa
2While planning to lodge your Australian visa
application, there are many necessary things to
consider. If you wanted to go to any place other
than your residing place, for that you need a
particular visa and applying for a visa can be a
daunting role. Here is the List of Common
Reasons for Rejection of Visas For
31) False information
- Applicants may not intentionally provide false
information, but if the department finds out that
the information provided is not accurate they may
charge the applicant with visa fraud. This can
lead to either a 5 year temporary ban, or a
permanent ban which prohibits the applicant to
enter Australia forever.
42) Inadequate Information
- This is by far the most common reason why visas
get denied. Applicants often (unknowingly)
provide insufficient information in their
application, which leads to a direct refusal. For
instance if a student is lodging a student visa
extension, and they are asked if they have
previously studied in Australia the answer will
be yes AND proof of education like transcripts,
completion certificates etc. will also need to be
53) Failure to meet Health Requirements
- Medical clearance is one of the few
non-negotiable conditions which have to be met in
order to obtain a positive visa outcome
64) Failure to meet Character Requirements
- Similar to medical clearance, meeting the
Australian character requirements is a
non-negotiable condition. Police charges.
Criminal offences etc. may lead to solid grounds
for visa cancellation.
75) English Language Proficiency
- Certain visas like student visa have a strict
English Language Proficiency requirement. Other
visas like General Skilled Migration subclass
189, 190, 489 also have this requirement but the
requirements are not as high
87) Lack of professional help
- As the Australian immigration law is complex and
ever-changing, it is not advisable to submit an
application without professional help. The
Australian government recommends using MARA
registered agents for all visa purposes. Not only
does MARA accreditation ensure that the agent
helping you has full knowledge of the law, but it
also safeguards the consumers interest should
anything go wrong.
9For more reasons for rejection of Australian visa
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