Title: Beauty Problem Solotion in Dorset
1La Vie Spa
Beauty Salon in Dorset
2La Vie Spa is the best Beauty salon in Dorset,
and it is the finest place to release your stress
at affordable rates. You can make a wise choice
for refreshing both your mind and body at a place
surrounded by beautiful Portland shore and
breaking waves.
About Us
3La Vie Spa offers you a range of beauty
treatments to get rid of emotional as well as
physical stress. How would not want to enjoy
after a long hectic week to feel energized and
tension free? A range of manicures, pedicures,
facials, and massaging treatments will be just
4Verna is a qualified therapist with over 20
years experience in Spa Therapy. Verna has a
Bachelor of Science honors degree in
International Spa Management. Verna Haywood is
the founder and Owner of the well renowned Beauty
Spa, La Vie Spa.
Therapist Verna
5If you are looking for a Beauty Salon in Portland
or Dorset you can rely on La Vie Spa. Here you
will get the best Beauty Treatments.
Address Suite 10A, Southwell Business Park,
Portland, Dorset, DT5 2NA Phone 01305
826000 Email info_at_laviespa.co.uk Website
6Thank You