Title: Shop Unique Houndstooth Umbrella (1)
1Balios Umbrellas
Balios combines time-honoured quality with innovation. The design stages are all completed in the UK. Once were happy with the model, each umbrella is carefully constructed at our factory in the Far East. To ensure each umbrella will have its own uniqueness, we ethically source natural materials with strict standards, such as birch wood, chestnut wood, rosewood, bamboos and rattans and carefully handcraft them into our handles. Our team sources only the finest cloths to be fashioned into our ranges of umbrellas with a size, style and design to suit everyone
2Houndstooth Umbrella
Unique designs with affordable range Houndstooth
Umbrella visit Balios umbrellas which offers a
wide variety of umbrellas with unique designs
with finest lifestyle accessory. Handcrafted real
wood handle with 2finger grips. Single canopy,
300 thread count per inch water-repellent fabric.
Balios Umbrellas combine traditional workmanship
with contemporary style to create the finest
umbrellas on the market.
3green umbrella with wood handle
Balios England Presents you with the finest
lifestyle Green Umbrella With Wood Handles which
gives unique colour to look and feel good factor.
Made 23 Frame, 8 ribs, fiberglass aluminium
steel shaft, Double canopy, 300 thread count per
inch water-repellent fabric.
4grey walking umbrella
Balios combines time-honoured quality with
innovation offers you Grey Walking Umbrella. We
combine traditional workmanship with contemporary
style to create the finest umbrellas on the
market. we believes in providing quality of our
product with affordable prices so that each
customer can buy and use stylish umbrellas.
5Black White walking umbrella
Balios Umbrellas offers you the combination of
colours with Black White Walking Umbrella which
looks so unique and beautiful in look it is made
up with fine quality fabric. We believes in
quality over quantity it is made up with multi
folding automatically Open Close Folding
Environment friendly packaging.
6Herringbone Walking Umbrella
Balios offers Herringbone Walking Umbrella with
finest quality fabric combines time-honoured
quality with innovation. The design stages are
all completed in the UK. You Can order in bulk
also we gives cheap price with best quality
fabric with fashionable designs and styles. Hurry
and order now for grab the best opportunity.
7Thank You
Balios Umbrellas