Title: Assam Family Run hotel Dibrugarh Assam
1Hotel rainbow regis
www.rainbowregis.com Dibrugarh, Assam
2Different types of Hotel Accommodation
Hotels in Dibrugarh City has a number of types.
They may vary according to their size, target
market, level of services and facilities provided
etc. Depending upon size Some hotels are small
and some are large. It depends upon the number of
rooms the hotel have. You will find hotels in
Dibrugarh having a number of rooms ranging from
under 100, under 200, 200-399 rooms, 400-700
rooms, above 700 rooms. You can make a better
comparison if hotels are divided according to
3Business Hotels These are the most popular types
of hotels. They are specifically focused to
provide quality accommodation services to the
businessmen. These types of hotels are mainly
found near to the airport and business prone area
of the city. The facilities provided in such
hotels may include complimentary newspaper, wifi
Internet service, morning coffee and breakfast,
vehicle service to visit the client's place etc.
Residential Hotels The most common and old
type of hotels is Residential Hotel. They are
primarily focused to provide a better stay to
guests who are in the different city for whatever
purpose. They focus on all types of guests and do
not specifically target a specific one. They
provide all kind of accommodation facilities a
person needs while being away from home.
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5The market they target
- Each hotel tries to target a particular class of
the society. The infrastructure, location and
facilities provided in the hotel are designed
keeping in mind the type of guests they are
expecting. Major types of such hotels include
business, residential, tourist, resorts, casino,
convention and conference hotels.
6The market they target
- Being a popular tourist place, Dibrugarh has lots
of hotels for tourists. They are located near the
major tourist attractions of the city so that the
tourists, who came there to spend their
vacations, do not have to waste too much time in
travelling from hotel to the tourist place. Such
hotels also offer mouth-watering food facilities
to its guests, thus you do not have to look
separately for a good Multi Cuisine Restaurant in
7Luxury Hotels in Dibrugarh Assam
8Resorts Resorts are located in Mountains or away
from the city in a totally natural environment.
Apart from providing A-class facilities for
staying, these hotels also offer various
recreational activities like golf, tennis, polo,
swimming, casino pub and bar. You can have a
memorable and enjoying experience by staying at
such resorts. Suite Hotels The latest trend in
the hotel industry is suited hotels. Like our
homes, these hotels have a living room and a
separate bedroom. The executive class of the
society such as businessmen, lawyers, Accountants
etc find these suits attractive to work and enjoy
at the same time.
9According to Ownership The hotels differ as per
the type of ownership it has. Some hotels do not
have an identifiable owner or some are
independently owned hotels which are not
affiliated with any organization. While some
hotels are part of a hotel chain. Such hotels
have basic standards and procedures which are
followed by each hotel in that chain. You can
always find a Budget Accommodation in Dibrugarh
Assam, as multiple types of hotels are available
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11Budget Accommodation in Dibrugarh Assam
12Online Hotel Booking in Dibrugarh, Assam
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