Title: California Responsible Alcohol Service Certificate (1)
1Responsible Alcohol Manager Course Restaurant,
Bar, Nightclub Manager Training Course
2Responsible Alcohol Manager's Course This course
fulfills the requirement from many states for
further alcohol service training for managers and
owners. This course is required for the Florida
Responsible Vendor Program. The knowledge within
gives managers and owners valuable information
concerning the service of alcohol in your
establishment. Alcohol serving establishments
need well trained staff to mitigate the potential
risk inherent with serving alcohol. A certificate
from Serving Alcohol Inc shows you are committed
to responsible alcohol business practices.
3What are the benefits of this course? Based on
40 years of industry training and
research Frequent updates to course material
adding tips, techniques, new laws, etc A library
of resources for your business, employee
contracts, forms ( Incident reports, ID register,
Bartender evaluations, etc), signs, and documents
that are continuously being added and
updated. Certificate showing your commitment to
responsible alcohol practice
Serving Alcohol Inc 1730 S Federal Hwy, Suite
191 Delray Beach, Fl 33483-3309 For
the quickest response, please use the form to the
left.Phone (561) 404-5363 Fax (866) 372-4316