Title: Cosmetic Fillers – The Myths and The Facts
1Cosmetic Fillers The Myths and The Facts
h t t p s / / w w w . v l c c w e l l n e s s .
c o m / K u w a i t / e n / s k i n - c a r e /
2Want to look youthful without any lines around
your lips and mouth? While there are many
options for this purpose, you can opt for
cosmetic fillers, which are getting popular with
each passing day. Because it is a medical
procedure, you need to make it a point to learn
as much as possible about it before making any
31. It is for everyone
- The first myth is that just about anyone can go
for fillers and similar procedures. However, the
ideal way to go about this is to seek a
professional who has been doing this for several
years in a row. For instance, you may want to go
for a clinic that offers the best skin treatment
in Kuwait.
42. The injections are painful
Contrary to what you think, the dermal fil er
injections are not at al painful. The skin is
first numbed using a local anesthesia or a nerve
block injection first. This may lead to a certain
degree or rednes or tendernes , but it does go
away when you apply ice to the area for 15
minutes or so.
53. There will be side-effects
Truth be told, the side effects from any kind of
cosmetic fillers are few and far between, when
administered by an expert medical professional.
There may be a mild redness post the injections,
which will easily clear up within a weeks time
or so.
64. The face will be expressionless
One of the most prevalent myths that is
associated with filler injections is that your
face will be stoic. However, it happens due to
too much fillers or injecting the fillers in the
wrong place.
75. The results are not immediate
This is a completely baseless myth because you
will surely get instant results from the
fillers. Also, the time taken for the fillers to
show the results will not be more than 20
minutes or so.
These are some of the things that you need to
keep in mind before going for skin treatment in
Kuwait. For more insights on skin care, keep
watching this space!