Title: PRG 421 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
1PRG 421 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
2PRG 421 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
PRG 421 Week 1 Individual Singleton Pattern
Program For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com Individual Singleton Pattern Program Write
a Java program (non-GUI preferred) to demonstrate
the Singleton pattern. The key parts of the
singleton pattern are A private static variable
to store the single instance called the
3PRG 421 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
PRG 421 Week 2 Individual ArrayList Program For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PRG 421
Week 2 Individual ArrayList Program Week 2
Individual ArrayList Program Write a Java
program (non-GUI preferred) to demonstrate the
use of an ArrayList.
4PRG 421 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
PRG 421 Week 3 Individual Iterator Program For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PRG 421
Week 3 Individual Iterator Program Week 3
Individual Iterator Program Write a Java program
(non-GUI preferred) to demonstrate the use of
5PRG 421 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
PRG 421 Week 4 Individual JDBC Program For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PRG 421 Week
4 Individual JDBC Program Week 4 Individual
JDBC Program Write a Java program (non-GUI
preferred) to demonstrate the use of JDBC. The
program should allow a user to do the
6PRG 421 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
PRG 421 Week 5 Individual Concurrent
Programming For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com PRG 421 Week 5 Individual Concurrent
Programming Week 5 Individual Concurrent
Programming Write a Java program (non-GUI
preferred) that has a method named
atomic(). Demonstrate in the program how two
threads can, sometimes, invoke atomic()
concurrently. Create a second version of the
program in which the two threads cannot invoke
atomic concurrently.
7PRG 421 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
PRG 421 All Assignment For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com PRG 421 Individual
Week 1 Analyze Assignment PRG 421 Individual Week
1 Coding Assignment BicycleDemo PRG 421
Individual Week 2 Coding Assignment PRG 421
Individual Week 2 Analyze Assignment PRG 421
Individual Week 3 Analyze Assignment PRG 421
Individual Week 3 Coding Assignment PRG 421
Individual Week 4 Coding Assignment
8PRG 421 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com
PRG 421 Individual Week 1 Coding Assignment
Bicycle Demo For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com PRG 421 Individual
Week 1 Coding Assignment Resources
"Lesson Object-Oriented Programming Concepts" on
The Java Tutorials website Downloadable
starter code from the Oracle website Bicyle
class and BicycleDemo class For this assignment,
you will modify existing code to create a single
Java program named BicycleDemo.java that
incorporates the following
9PRG 421 Teaching Effectively--snaptutorial.com