Title: MBL 400 Exceed, You Must Read/Newtonhelp.com
1MBL 400 Exceed, You Must Read/Newtonhelp.com
2MBL 400 Exceed, You Must Read/Newtonhelp.com
MBL 400 All Assignments
For more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com
- MBL 400 Week 1 Mobile Platforms
- MBL 400 Week 2 Critiquing Apps
- MBL 400 Week 3 Building An App, Part 1 Wireframes
- MBL 400 Week 4 Building An App, Part 2 Developing
the App - MBL 400 Week 5 Building an App Part 3 Test Plan
3MBL 400 Exceed, You Must Read/Newtonhelp.com
MBL 400 Week 1 Mobile Platforms
For more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com
- A comic book store has hired your company to help
standardize their store on a mobile platform for
its employees. They asked you to present a sales
pitch at their next company meeting to propose
the platform you think is best for their company. - Choose a mobile platform and prepare a 6- to
8-slide presentation that covers the following
4MBL 400 Exceed, You Must Read/Newtonhelp.com
MBL 400 Week 2 Critiquing Apps
For more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com
- The comic book store management would like you to
base the app design off some popular apps that
are currently available. They would like you to
review design patterns and functionality of an
app that you may use as your guide, and provide
recommendations of how you would make it better.
They asked that you email your critique so they
can review the findings individually.
5MBL 400 Exceed, You Must Read/Newtonhelp.com
MBL 400 Week 3 Building An App, Part 1
For more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com
- The comic book store was so thrilled with your
concept for employees, that they've hired you to
develop an app to begin selling items using
mobile technology. They want you to pitch an idea
for a mobile web application to sell their
products. - Create a 2- to 3-screen wireframe that
demonstrates your idea. Use either any open
source tool, or Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to
create the wireframe.
6MBL 400 Exceed, You Must Read/Newtonhelp.com
MBL 400 Week 4 Building An App, Part 2 Developing
the App
For more course tutorials visit www.newtonhelp.com
- The comic book store came back to you with more
ideas for their app to make it a little bigger
than they initially thought. Their idea is a
4-screen app that would help their customers
learn about the store and see inventory. They
would like to see your wireframe concept along
with the developed app.
7MBL 400 Exceed, You Must Read/Newtonhelp.com