Title: HCS 370 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
1HCS 370 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
2HCS 370 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
HCS 370 All Assignments (New Syllabus) For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com  HCS 370
Assignment Week 1 Principles of Organizational
Behavior HCS 370 Assignment Week 2 Navigating
Employee Groups HCS 370 Assignment Week 3 Use of
Groups and Teams in an Organization HCS 370
Assignment Week 4 Impact of Organizational
Structure and Communication HCS 370 Assignment
Week 5 Navigating Organizational
Change        Â
3HCS 370 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
HCS 370 Assignment Week 1Principles of
Organizational Behavio For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com  Principles of
Organizational Behavior HCS 370 Assignment Week
1 Imagine you work for a successful company and
have been asked to be a guest speaker for an
entry-level organizational behavior course at a
local college. The goal of this presentation is
to help the college students gain a basic
understanding of organizational behavior and be
able to speak to its importance in     Â
4HCS 370 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
HCS 370 Assignment Week 2 Navigating Employee
Groups For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.c
om  Navigating Employee Groups HCS 370
Assignment Week 2 Navigating Employee
Groups  Justin was recently hired as a manager
at a medical waste management company. Because he
is new to the company and has been assigned to
work with a diverse group of employees, Justins
supervisor asked him to develop an analysis and
plan for working with his employee group. This
task will help Justin understand his employees,
anticipate possible employee interactions, and
help him work through group conflict should it
arise. Justin decided to create a chart to
catalog his analysis and plan. Â Â Â Â Â
5HCS 370 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
HCS 370 Assignment Week 3 Use of Groups and Teams
in an Organization For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com  Use of Groups and
Teams in an Organization HCS 370 Assignment Week
3 At your current place of employment, you have
worked to positively influence the companys use
of groups and teams. You and your colleagues have
the opportunity to present your best practices
and lessons learned at a national business
leaders conference. Create an 8- to 12-slide
Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with detailed
speaker notes. Your presentation should  Â
6HCS 370 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
HCS 370 Assignment Week 4 Impact of
Organizational Structure and Communication For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com  Impact
of Organizational Structure and Communication HCS
370 Assignment Week 4 This assignment will help
you research and understand what impact
organizational structure and communication have
on organizational behavior within an
organization. As you complete this assignment,
consider experiences you have had with
organizational structure and communication. WriteÂ
a 350- to 700-word paper that     Â
7HCS 370 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com
HCS 370 Assignment Week 5 Navigating
Organizational Change For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com  Navigating
Organizational Change HCS 370 Assignment Week
5 Navigating Organizational Change The health
care industry, like other industries, is a very
competitive environment. As organizational
behavior within health care companies evolves, it
will be even more important to consider the
future use of learning about/applying concepts of
organizational behavior and the need for
continuing education. After a productive year
with the medical waste management company, Justin
has now been tasked with implementing a
company-wide policy change to require continuing
education. Each employee will now be required to
complete 2 hours of continuing education each
year. Â Â Â Â Â
8HCS 370 Inspiring Innovation--snaptutorial.com