Title: Annu Tandon and Arun Bhatia : Indian Politician
1Some Leaders of Indian Politics
- Working for the Society and Underserved Community
2India was once the golden bird. It has witnessed
various changes and had a history of producing
great Indian leaders.
- In Current politics in India, the leaders are not
fights for the Nation or the people of the
nation, Actually they fight for themselves.In the
current era, politics has become the business
such as a family business where some people
control the affairs of politics for selfish or
monetary gains. Here Introducing some faces of
indian politics who work for the Society and the
4Annu Tandon
- Annu Tandon is a well known social Activist and
political leader and she is the founder and
director of Hriday Narain Dhawan Charitable
Trust, which has been active in philanthropy in
the district since before 2000.
5 She is the Unnao Kanpur congress leader. She is
also committed to the social cause.
6- Annu Tandon was the managing director of MoTech
Software Pvt. Ltd, a company launched by Mukesh
Ambani, and also headed Salonica Vasans, a
textile export company.
7Arun Bhatia IAS
- Arun Bhatia is the indian political leader and he
was a civil servant before join politics.He
orked in various positions in the Maharashtra
8Arun Bhatia contested the lok sabha election as
an independent candidate from Pune in 2004 and
again in 2009 from the People's Guardian Party.
9He also came in politics for a corruption free
Nation. Work for the underserved community and
for the poor people. He also involve in different
charitable trust who works for the poor People.
- These are the famous senior leaders of BJP that
has contributed in the success of the pary.
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