Title: Arlo pro solar panel | solar security camera
1Welcome To Arlo Security
- How To Set Up Arlo Camera With Solar Panel
2 How To Setup Arlo Camera To Solar Panel
3To set up your Arlo Solar Panel
Choose a good outdoor location for your Arlo
Solar Panel within 4.5 feet (1.3 m) of your Arlo
Pro Wire-Free or Arlo Go camera.
The solar panel can absorb the most solar energy
when it is in full sunlight for as much of the
day as possible. You can mount the solar panel on
your wall, fence, roof, gutter, or eaves. Make
sure that you mount your solar panel facing true
south (in the northern hemisphere) or true north
(in the southern hemisphere).
Secure the mount with the screws provided in the
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54.Attach your solar panel to the mount.
5.Adjust the angle of the solar panel on the
mount to the appropriate angle for your latitude.
6.For help finding the right orientation and tilt
angle, download the free Simply Solar app for ios
or Android.
7.Make sure that your Arlo Pro Wire-Free or Arlo
Go camera battery is fully charged.
8.Your Arlo Solar Panel is designed to keep your
camera battery charged, not to charge the battery
from low to full.
9.Connect the cable to your Arlo camera.
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9Set Up Arlo Camera To Solar Panel
- While connecting Arlo camera to solar panel If
you face any kind issue or problem then you can
contact us By Dialing 1 888 352 3810 Also you
can visit our site247arlosupport.com
10Thank You