Title: GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
1GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
2GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Assignment Groundwater Lab For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Resource
pp. 213227 of Geoscience Laboratory and Appendix
N. Answer the Appendix N questions from your lab
book. Write your responses in Appendix
N. Complete ALL of Appendix N.
3GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Assignment Relative and Absolute
Geologic Time Lab PART 1 OF 2 For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Resources pp.
89104 of Geoscience Laboratory and Appendixes I
J Identify and classify the rock examples in
Appendix I.
4GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Assignment Relative and Absolute
Geologic Time Lab PART 2 OF 2 For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Resources pp.
89104 of Geoscience Laboratory and Appendixes I
J Identify and classify the rock examples in
Appendix I. Answer the Appendix questions from
your lab book. Write your responses in Appendix
J. Complete ALL of Appendix J.
5GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Assignment Topographic and Contour Maps
Lab Appendix D For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Resources pp. 3245
of Geoscience Laboratory and Appendix D Answer
ALL questions in Appendix D Write your responses
in Appendix D. Complete Appendix D.
6GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Assignment Volcanic Products Lab PART 2
OF 2 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Resources pp. 6986 of Geoscience Laboratory
and Appendixes G H Identify and classify the
rock examples in Appendix G. Answer the questions
in Appendix H from your lab book in Appendix H.
Write your responses in Appendix H. Complete ALL
of Appendix H. Post completed Appendixes G H in
the individual forum. Due day 7.
7GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Assignment Deserts Lab For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Resources
pp. 265276 of Geoscience Laboratory and Appendix
M Answer the Appendix M questions from your lab
book. Write your responses in Appendix
M. Complete ALL of Appendix M.
8GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Assignment Earthquake Technology Lab
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Res
ources pp. 156170 of Geoscience Laboratory and
Appendix F Answer the questions listed in
Appendix F from the lab book. Write your
responses in Appendix F. Complete ALL of Appendix
F. Post the completed Appendix F in the
individual forum. Due day 7.
9GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Assignment Relative and Absolute
Geologic Time La For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Resources pp. 420
of the lab book and Appendix E Answer the
questions in Appendix E from the lab book.
10GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Assignment Volcanic Products Lab PART 1
OF 2 For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Resources pp. 6986 of Geoscience Laboratory
and Appendixes G H Identify and classify the
rock examples in Appendix G.
11GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Entire Course For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com GLG 101 Assignment
Relative and Absolute Geologic Time Lab GLG 101
Assignment Earthquake Technology Lab GLG 101
Assignment Volcanic Products Lab PART 2 OF 2
12GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Final Project Title Factors and Forces
of Geological Features For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Resources U.S.
Geological Survey Web site and Appendix A Choose
a state or one of the following regions Region
1 Interior Plain Region 2 Appalachian Highlands
13GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 1 Assignment Minerals For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Resources
Ch. 2 of the text, Virtual Mineral Lab, and
Appendixes B C Conduct the minerals lab by
clicking on the following link Use the mineral
worksheet found in Appendix B to record your
observations and results in identifying different
14GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 1 CheckPoint Study of Earth For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Resource
s Ch. 1 of the text and Nebular Theory
animation Write a 200- to 300-word description of
the three branches and three systems of geology.
15GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 2 CheckPoint Fossils and the
Geologic Column For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Resource Ch. 3 of
the text and p. 12 of Geoscience Laboratory Post
your responses to the following in the individual
forum Review Figure 3.6 on p. 68 of the text.
How do fossils help in determining the relative
age of strata? Are the three different localities
around the same rel
16GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 2 DQS For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Discussion
Question 1 Post your description and responses
in the main forum under the DQ 1 thread. Due day
2. I will assign you one of the following methods
of evaluating geological time Absolute Dating
and Numerical Age or Relative Dating
17GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 3 Assignment Earthquakes For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Resource
Ch. 6 of the text and the Igneous Rock
animation View the animation at
nimations/ch12_animations/animation1.html Respond
in 200 to 300 words to the following questions
18GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 3 CheckPoint Plate Tectonic Theory
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Res
ources Ch. 4 of the text and Continents of the
Past animation Respond to the following
scenario Your younger brother is in fifth grade.
He comes home and tells you to look at an
animation his teacher showed him in geology
class. Review the animation at http//www.wiley.co
19GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 4 DQS For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Discussion Question
1 Post your description and responses in the
main forum under the DQ 1 thread. Due day
2. Review the Hot Spot animation at
nimations/ch14_animations/hot_spot.html. Post
your response to the following Describe how
plate tectonics is related to the formation of
volcanoes. Which type of plate margin commonly
forms volcanoes? Name one of the most popular
volcanoes in the United States or the world.
Review http//www.wiley.com/college/strahler/04714
m l or http//nationalatlas.gov/dynamic/dyn_volcan
20GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 5 Assignment Sedimentary Rocks
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com R
esources Ch. 8 of the text and the Clastic
Sedimentary Rocks animation View the animation at
nimations/ch12_animations/animation2.html Write a
700-word paper that provides an overview of how
plate tectonics affects sedimentation. Answer the
following questions
21GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 5 CheckPoint Weathering and Erosion
- Please Add Own Images For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Resource Ch. 7 of
the text Create a five- to seven-slide Microsoft
PowerPoint presentation of the
following Description of difference between
weathering and erosion. Graphical representation
of the following
22GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 6 Assignment Metamorphic Rocks Lab
PART 2 of 2 For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com Resources pp. 108116 of Geoscience
Laboratory and Appendixes K L Identify and
classify the rock examples in Appendix K. Answer
the Appendix L questions from your lab book.
Write your responses in Appendix K.
23GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 6 Assignment Metamorphic Rocks Lab
PART 1 of 2 For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com Resources pp. 108116 of Geoscience
Laboratory and Appendixes K L Identify and
classify the rock examples in Appendix K. Answer
the Appendix L questions from your lab book.
Write your responses in Appendix K. Complete All
of Appendix K L.
24GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 6 CheckPoint Metamorphic Rocks
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Res
ource Ch. 10 of the text. Respond to the
following questions in 200 to 300 words Where do
metamorphic rocks originate? How are they
formed? What are the two categories of
metamorphic rocks? What are the distinguishing
characteristics between the two categories of
25GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 6 DQS For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Discussion Question
1 Post your description and responses in the
main forum under the DQ 1 thread. Due day 2. View
the Understanding Faults animation at
26GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 7 Assignment Deserts, Glaciers, and
Climate For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com GLG 101 Week 7 Assignment Deserts,
Glaciers, and ClimateResources Ch. 13 of the
text, China Desert video, and online
animations Review the following Ch. 13 video,
China Desert http//www.wiley.com/college/murck/0
471747270/ngs_videos/china_desert/index.html Revie
w the following animations
27GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 7 CheckPoint Water Impacts For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Resource
s Ch. 11 of the text, Sinking England video, and
online animations Review the following Ch. 12
video, Sinking England http//www.wiley.com/colle
28GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 8 CheckPoint Fossil Fuels and
Minerals For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com Resources Ch. 15 of the text and Web
sites on fossil fuels Respond to the following in
300 to 350 words
29GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 8 DQS For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Discussion Question
1 Post your description and responses in the
main forum under the DQ 1 thread.
30GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com
GLG 101 Week 9 Capstone CheckPoint For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Resource
Visualizing Geology Discuss in 200 to 300 words,
the importance of the science of geology to us as
a civilization. Provide at least two examples.
For example, the ability to predict earthquakes
and other disasters, or understanding mining and
the use of natural resources. Post your response
to the individual forum. Due day 7
31GLG 101 Believe Possibilities--snaptutorial.com