Effect of Globalization on Culture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Effect of Globalization on Culture


The reach of the individuals has increased tremendously all over the globe regarding business, traveling, spending holidays, seeking medical assistance, education, and many other things. Nowadays, an individual can easily travel from one corner of the world to another (Hirst et al., 2015 p-56). – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Effect of Globalization on Culture

Effect of Globalization on Culture
  • AllAssignmentHelp

  • The reach of the individuals has
    increased tremendously all over the globe
    regarding business, traveling, spending holidays,
    seeking medical assistance, education, and many
    other things. Nowadays, an individual can easily
    travel from one corner of the world to another
    (Hirst et al., 2015 p-56). The world has become
    borderless. All these things have become possible
    because only because of globalization.
    Globalization can be defined as the integration
    of the economies through trade, technology,
    capital flow, migration of labor, investment,

  • The reach of the individuals has
    increased tremendously all over the globe
    regarding business, traveling, spending holidays,
    seeking medical assistance, education, and many
    other things. Nowadays, an individual can easily
    travel from one corner of the world to another
    (Hirst et al., 2015 p-56). The world has become
    borderless. All these things have become possible
    because only because of globalization.
    Globalization can be defined as the integration
    of the economies through trade, technology,
    capital flow, migration of labor, investment,

  • Culture is the social norms and behavior found in
    the human societies. Culture is formed by the
    values, attitude, beliefs, and custom of the
    individuals living in a society (Riddell et al.,
    2014 P-67). Culture determines how people
    interact, how they behave, what they perceive
    regarding a particular thing, what are their
    traditions and customs, etc. The culture of any
    society depicts the values of the people living
    in that society.

Effect of Globalization on Culture
  • Support
  • Globalization affects the culture of the society
    significantly. According to an article published
    on the Refworld website on 4th May 2000 strongly
    support the positive effects of globalization on
    culture. The article states that in African
    society there was a ritual which was forcing the
    widow to shave their head for a year. The widow
    had to also drink the water which was used to
    wash the dead body of the husband. They had to
    sleep on ground without a blanket for a week or
    month. After the influence of western culture
    these rituals end in some societies while it is
    still practices in some societies of Africa.

Effect of Globalization on Culture
  • IFor example, there is a culture in a society
    of Africa that when a husband is dead, the wife
    will shave her head and wear black clothes for a
    year. This is one of the worst treatments to the
    women in this world. It is the part of a culture,
    and the people of that society perform this
    tradition in respect of dead husband which is
    completely undesirable and unethical. After the
    introduction of globalization, when people
    integrated with the people of other culture
    (western culture) they came to know that their
    culture which they are following is not
    acceptable and they are not treating women as
    human, they stopped this practice (Refugees,

  • There are numerous positive effects of
    globalization on culture, but globalization also
    affects the culture negatively. Apart from
    culture, globalization also affects the economy
    of a nation by creating jobs insecurity,
    fluctuation in prices, etc. But here the main
    focus is on the effect of globalization on
    culture. Globalization has mainly spread the
    culture of western countries all over the world.
    The local culture of third world countries or
    developing countries has been affected
    significantly greatly (Cleveland et al., 2016
    p-1103). The western countries dominate and
    spread their culture all over the globe. The
    people of developing countries such as Africa and
    many others are increasingly following the
    culture of the western countries and forgetting
    their own culture and tradition completely

  • Globalization affects the cultures positively.
    However, the effects of globalization could be
    either positive or negative. But the positive
    effects of globalization on culture is strong
    than the negative effects. The positives effects
    are that it helps in eradicating the bad
    practices of the society by depicting good
    practices. Globalization tends to integrate
    cultures of a different society and people from
    different society lives together. All of them
    represent their culture and out of all best
    practices are adopted by all the individuals.
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