Title: Dentist Kentland’s – Dr.KeithGilbert
1- Suggestions to Keep Your Teeth Healthy!
2Dont ignore your dental health
Teeth have four types incisors, canines,
premolars, and molars, each with a specific
function. Teeth are important part of our body
they are not just helpful in eating but also
enhance our personality.
39 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy
- Dont go to bed without brushing your teeth
- Dont neglect your tongue
- Use a fluoride toothpaste
- Treat flossing as important as brushing
- Drink more water
4- Stop Smoking Consuming Tambaco
- Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables
- Limit sugary and acidic foods
- See your dentist at least twice a year
5Not everyone is likely to have a perfect smile,
but that doesnt mean youre helpless to do
anything about it.
6Wanna Expert Advice? Take more help from this