Title: Network security in Kerala (1)
2About us
In today's information driven enterprise model,
the need to secure the information and its
enabling agents assumes strategic importance
along with the necessity of having a proper
monitoring mechanism to ensure that all
information assets of the organization meets the
CIA credo of Confidentiality, Integrity and
Availability. Towards this end, Qadit Systems and
Solutions Private Limited provides end to end
Information Security Solutions for understanding
and countering the risks that arise out of the
use of technology in an organization's business
3Our services
- Information Systems Audit
4Case Studies
- Key Findings
- ecommendations
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6Data Privacy and Security in Bangalore
There has been an upsurge in data breach
activities in India from last couple of years.
While its hard to catch the perpetrators, but one
thing you can do is strengthen your core security
system to avoid any kind of data breach. For
years, Qadit has been providing 100 efficient
Data privacy and security in Bangalore.
7Contact Us
Head Office - Chennai1st Floor, Balammal
Building (Above Canara Bank)33, Burkit Road,
T.Nagar Chennai 600017.Email Id
 contactus_at_qadit.comOffice Telephone  91 - 44
- 42791150 to 52 Office Fax  91 - 44 - 42791149
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