Title: Best IAS coaching centre in Delhi
1Best English Notes by Top Coaching Center
English section is an important part of all
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The list of examples is exhaustive and one can
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2Permeates (verb)
Top IAS Coaching Institute - English Notes By
Best Faculty Vocabulary
- Meaning spread throughout (something)
- Synonyms impregnate
- Antonyms drain
- It is this implicit faith that permeates the
psyche of a uniformed person based on the belief
that his commander is supreme and will always
look after his interests as well as those of his
3Cobble (verb)
- Meaning roughly assemble or produce something
from available parts or elements. - Synonyms scribble
- Antonyms destroy
- Having given five months to the Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP) to try to cobble together a
government, the surprise challenge by the Peoples
Democratic Party (PDP), supported by the National
Conference (NC) and the Congress, forced him to
reverse course, and hastily dissolve an Assembly
that he had kept in suspended animation without
once consulting the MLAs.
4Disingenuous (adjective)
- Meaning not candid or sincere, typically by
pretending that one knows less about something
than one really does. - Synonyms mendacious
- Antonyms ingenuous
- The Governors reasons for dissolution are not
only disingenuous, they are downright dangerous.
5Pretence (noun)
- Meaning an attempt to make something that is not
the case appear true. - Synonyms dissimulation
- Antonyms honesty
- Most Kashmiri commentators, in any case, argue
that there has never been more than a pretence of
democracy on the part of New Delhi when it comes
to Kashmir.
6Vindicates (verb)
- Meaning clear (someone) of blame or suspicion.
- Synonyms exonerate
- Antonyms incriminate
- What happened last week vindicates their
argument. Sadly, it also represents a return to
the dark days of political meddling by the Centre
in State politics, a practice that had been
gradually relinquished between 2002 and 2014, a
period which saw three of the freest and fairest
elections in the State.
7Thwarting (verb)
- Meaning oppose (a plan, attempt, or ambition)
successfully. - Synonyms forestall
- Antonyms facilitate
- In this volatile situation, the impact of the
events of the past six months, from the BJP
toppling its coalition government with the PDP to
the Governor thwarting the PDP-NC-Congress
claim to forming a government, has been
8Simmer (verb)
- Meaning a state or temperature just below
boiling point. - Synonyms bubble
- Antonyms soothe
- Though the issues were resolved, tensions have
continued to simmer.
9Maxim (noun)
- Meaning a short statement expressing a general
truth - Synonyms aphorism
- Antonyms disbelief
- In aviation, for example, there is a maxim, a
superior pilot is one who uses his superior
judgment to avoid situations which require the
use of his superior skills.
10Sacrosanct (adjective)
- Meaning (especially of a principle, place, or
routine) regarded as too important or valuable to
be interfered with - Synonyms inviolable
- Antonyms blasphemous
- A commanders order is sacrosanct and a soldier
on the front line follows it unflinchingly
despite knowing that he could lose his life the
next moment.
11Remuneration (noun)
- Meaning money paid for work or a service
- Synonyms remittance
- Antonyms nonpayment
- The gender comparison is crucial too at a time
when the womens competition at diverse levels
and different sporting events is being sought to
be placed on a par with the mens, in terms of
infrastructural support and remuneration, Mary
Koms record will indeed give heart to all women
12Latched (verb)
- Meaning a device for keeping a door closed
- Synonyms sneck, clamp
- Antonyms key
- The doors are latched, windows are curtained
with thick black fabric, and every nook and
cranny closed.
13Claustrophobic (adjective)
- Meaning fear of confined places
- Synonyms afraid
- Antonyms unafraid, fearlessness
- The consequences of living in claustrophobic
spaces without men are tragic.
14Grotesque (adjective)
- Meaning strange and unpleasant especially in a
slightly frightening way - Synonyms absurd, ridiculous
- Antonyms standard, ordinary
- The sisters repeatedly attack each other in
grotesque performances of frustrated desire.
15Demonise (verb)
- Meaning portray as wicked and threatening
- Synonyms criticize
- Antonyms honour
- Shortly after they came to power in 2014,
leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party began to
demonise one of the finest centres of academic
excellence and enlightened debate, the Jawaharlal
Nehru University ( JNU).
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17Clamour (noun)
- Meaning a loud or confused voice
- Synonyms ferment, outcry
- Antonyms calm, harmony
- The clamour for compilation of the National
Register of Citizens (NRC) in Tripura reflects a
real problem but also exposes deep demographic
fault lines in the northeastern State bordering
18Apprehensive (adjective)
- Meaning fearful that something bad or unpleasant
will happen - Synonyms anxious, afraid
- Antonyms confident
- They were apprehensive that their identity,
language, culture and traditions were at stake.
19Divesting (verb)
- Meaning deprive someone of (power, right or
possession) - Synonyms dismantle
- Antonyms give, offer
- The court, while entertaining a writ petition
from Mr. Verma questioning the legality of the
order divesting him of his powers, has asked the
CVC for a quick probe within two weeks into
allegations against him contained in a letter
sent by the Cabinet Secretary on August 24.
20Surcharged (verb)
- Meaning a charge in addition to the usual amount
paid for something - Synonyms surtax, gouge
- Antonyms under charge
- Judicial intervention often serves to quieten the
mood in a surcharged atmosphere.
21Adjudication (noun)
- Meaning to make a formal decision about
something - Synonyms arbitrate, determine
- Antonyms hesitate
- Questions such as whether the CVCs power of
superintendence extends to recommending
stripping a Director of his powers and functions
and whether such a step requires the approval of
the committee that appoints the Director are
still open for adjudication.
22Protracted (adjective)
- Meaning lasting for long time or longer than
expected - Synonyms prolonged, continued
- Antonyms abbreviate, diminish
- The deep demographic fault lines and the history
of a bitter insurgency ravaged past should,
however, remind both New Delhi and Agartala that
mishandling of the citizenship issue may push
Tripura into a protracted conflict situation that
will be difficult to resolve.
23 Reprisal (noun)
- Meaning an act of retaliation
- Synonyms vengeance
- Antonyms clemency
- In 1993, over 250 people were killed in Mumbai
in a series of coordinated bomb explosions
attributed to Dawood Ibrahim, reportedly as
reprisal for the demolition of the Babri Masjid.
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25Whim (noun)
- Meaning a sudden desire or change of mind,
especially one that is unusual or unexplained - Synonyms megrim, vegary
- Antonyms certainty
- It is difficult to recall any recorded instance
in modern times where a state and its various
agencies were directly involved in carrying out a
terror attack of this nature. As is now known,
the Mumbai terror attack was not based on a
sudden impulse or whim.
26Perpetrated (verb)
- Meaning carry out or commit (a harmful, illegal,
or immoral action) - Synonyms inflict, wreak
- Antonyms skimp
- Ten years ago on this day, Pakistan carried out
one of the most heinous of terror attacks
perpetrated anywhere in the world.
27Reconnoitre (verb)
- Meaning make a military observation of (a
region). - Synonyms scrutinize
- Antonyms neglect
- The targets were carefully chosen after having
been reconnoitred previously by Headley for
maximum impact, viz. the Taj and Oberoi Hotels,
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, the Jewish
centre at Nariman House, and the Leopold Cafe,
since these places were frequented by Europeans,
Indians and Jews.
28Manifestation (noun)
- Meaning the action or fact of showing something.
- Synonyms exposition
- Antonyms ambiguous
- The fluid, if not vague, nature of the BRI is
nothing but a manifestation of a pragmatism with
Chinese characteristics that has the capacity to
constantly adjust to a fast changing environment. -
29Transmute (verb)
- Meaning change in form, nature, or substance
- Synonyms metamorphose
- Antonyms stagnant
- A failure to resolve the WTO Appellate Body
crisis or any consequent weakening of the
multilateral dispute resolution process could
present an opportunity for purely nationalistic
initiatives to transmute and assume larger
30Debilitating (adjective)
- Meaning (of a disease or condition) making
someone very weak and infirm. - Synonyms enfeebling
- Antonyms strengthen, invigorate
- Recent reports indicate that some patients in
West Bengal became resistant to the treatment
protocol used for the falciparum parasite, which
causes debilitating cerebral malaria and leads to
a high number of deaths.
31Foolhardy (adjective)
- Meaning recklessly bold or rash
- Synonyms impetuous
- Antonyms wise
- John Chaus killing was a tragedy but his attempt
to make contact with the Sentinelese, who he
seemed to know something about, was foolhardy and
dangerous, not only to himself but to them.
32Unfettered (adjective)
- Meaning not confined or restricted
- Synonyms untrammelled
- Antonyms restricted
- Handlers in Pakistan were given unfettered
freedom to provide instructions to the terrorists
during the entire four day siege.
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34Amorphous (adjective)
- Meaning without a clearly defined shape or form
- Synonyms nebulous
- Antonyms definite
- However, with the world trading system passing
through a turmoil, the possibility of regional
trade agreements or amorphous legal devices such
as the BRI embracing greater trade liberalisation
goals cannot be entirely ruled out.
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