Title: Annamalai Study Material by DistPub – Labour Welfare
1DistPub Team
Q1 A Workman under the influence of drink
touched a live wire while working at a machine
and instantaneously died. His wife claimed
compensation, but the employee took the plea that
he was not liable as the accident arouse out of a
default by the workman. Critically, evaluate and
comment on the incident.
Q2 Write the various statutes enacted by Indian
parliament from time to time and various schemes
implemented by the government for the welfare of
the child, female and contract labourers in India.
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2DistPub Team
- Q3 Give a detail note on voluntary welfare
facilities provided by the Indian organization of
your choice.
Q4 The services of employer were terminated due
to closure. But the apex court held that the
services to be continued on same terms and
conditions either in the government or in the
government operations. Discuss.
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