Title: CJ 100 Enthusiastic Study / snaptutorial.com
1CJ 100 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
2CJ 100 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
CJ 100 Unit 2 Assignment Job Exploration For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com In
300-500 words, write a summary of your job
exploration and respond to the following Discuss
why you are interested in the selected
jobs. Explain how the job skills required for
each job you selected are related to your
professional goals. Describe the strategy you
would use to achieve the skills needed for the
jobs you selected.
3CJ 100 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
CJ 100 Unit 3 SMART Goals Activity Worksheet
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Lis
t a short-term, intermediate, and long-term
educational or professional goal in the column on
the right. Make sure you fill in the boxes to
ensure each of your goals is specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed.
4CJ 100 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
CJ 100 Unit 4 Assignment Part 2 For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Part II To
complete this portion of the Assignment, answer
each of the questions below about your Customized
Degree Plan. Answer each question in paragraph
form. Your responses should be double-spaced,
using 12 pt. Arial font, and Standard American
English. Your answers will be based on your
thoughts and, therefore, will not require outside
citations. However, if you do cite outside
references, you will have to provide the source
information. In addition, your Assignment should
demonstrate careful proofreading.
5CJ 100 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
CJ 100 Unit 7 Assignment Criminal Justice
Practitioners For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com CJ 100 Unit 7
Assignment Criminal Justice Practitioners
6CJ 100 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com