Title: MGT 521 NERD Expect Success /mgt521nerd.com
1MGT 521 NERD Expect Success /mgt521nerd.com
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgt521nerd.com
2MGT 521 NERD Expect Success /mgt521nerd.com
MGT 521 Final Exam Guide (New, 2019) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.mgt521nerd.com 1. Unlike
leaders, managers are those who encourage and
motivate employees to work together to achieve a
common vision. implement procedures and processes
to ensure the smooth functioning of an
organization. seek innovation rather than
stability in their approach to fulfill
organizational aspiration develop relationships
with employees based on trust and mutual respect.
2. Adopting a __________ involves distributing
monetary resources among divisions to increase
financial returns or to spread risks among
different businesses. differentiation strategy
global strategy portfolio strategy multidomestic
3MGT 521 NERD Expect Success /mgt521nerd.com