Title: Keedys fountain grill
1- Keedys fountain grill
- Published By
- http//keedysfountaingrill.com/
2 Give all first time restaurant
customers a coupon with a simple offer redeemable
on their next visit (perhaps a free aperitif,
dessert or after dinner drink). The offer should
have no conditions and should be redeemable
within the next 6 months. Tell the customer to
bring in the restaurant coupon and make sure to
ask for information that you can add to your
database. Measure the results, modify the offer
if needed, and if it brings you more business,
make this part of your marketing An easy way to
increase your bottom line is to cut costs. When
did you last renegotiate your credit card
charges? Are you getting the best deal from your
wine merchant? Review your menu and check your
profit margins - which are the dishes that give
you the best margins? Create a special menu with
these dishes to sell more. Eliminate your 3
worst-selling dishes and those with the worst
margins. You will be surprised at how this
regular housekeeping can affect your bottom line.
You may want to check out keedysfountaingrill.com
for more.
3- "If your prices are 10 too low you
have to do 3x the work to make the same profit.
If your prices are 10 too high you can lose 43
of your business and still maintain the same
profit." - Larry SteinmatzOne of the quickest
ways to increase your restaurant profits is to
raise prices. Just a few dollars on several
well-selling items will give you exponential
growth immediately. That may sound like a
frightening idea, but take a closer look at the
psychology of pricing and buying behavior and you
will understand why 80 of restaurant businesses
undercharge for their services and
products.Except in some particular cases, most
people do not make purchasing decisions on price
alone. This just shows that there are other
criteria for purchasing behavior than price.
keedysfountaingrill offers excellent info on this.
4- So whatever you do, don't ever reduce
prices, and certainly don't start a price war.
You don't want that to be your competitive
advantage because anyone and everyone can
undercut you. On the contrary, seriously consider
raising your prices. Don't let fear of
competition or lack of confidence stop you. If
you have true differentiation, you have targeted
your audience correctly and they see a perceived
value in your product that they are willing to
pay for, then you can charge premium prices.
Actually, they will expect a premium service and
will feel privileged, and you may find yourself
selling even more. Keedys fountain grill is one
of the authority sites on this topic.
5- Summary
- A true diner with a laid-back 1950s American
feel, coupled with the best food in Palm Desert,
California. Keedys is a warm nostalgic place to
catch up with friends. Come for a hearty
breakfast with a cup of Joe or a homestyle burger
with a real milkshake. -
- Visit this site to learn more
- https//www.keedysfountaingrill.com/