Title: CMGT 579 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
1CMGT 579 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
2CMGT 579 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
CMGT 579 Week 1 Individual Assignment For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Prepare a 3
- 4 page MS Word document (single spaced, in
Arial 12, sent to the Assignments Forum unless
otherwise instructed) Read consultant notes,
CN-rm-001 Computer Security located in the
Virtual Organizations at Smith Systems
Consulting, the file is located in the Virtual
Organizations Portal - Smith Systems Consulting -
Intranet - Client Projects - Riordan
Manufacturing tab. Address the following
3CMGT 579 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
CMGT 579 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Perform
a risk assessment of your selected organization
identify the risks and potential impacts
associated with the areas of the organization
related to security, auditing, and disaster
recovery. Identification should include tangible
and intangible risk and impacts. The impacts
should be quantified in terms of dollars from
lost sales, property damage, increased expenses,
4CMGT 579 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
CMGT 579 Week 3 Individual Assignment For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Prepare a
3-4 page MS Word document (single spaced, in
Arial 12) examining the impact that the Internet
has placed on information technologies security.
This paper should research the ramifications and
effects that the introduction of the Internet has
had on an organizations security. It should also
present solutions to those problems and discuss
how those solutions achieve their goals. For the
purposes of this paper it should be assumed that
limiting outside access totally is not an option,
and that e-mail, telnet, FTP, remote login etc.
are all desired functions.. You can review an
article on the topic if you would like.
5CMGT 579 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
CMGT 579 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Prepare
a 3-5 page MS Word document (single spaced, in
Arial 12) proposing a security strategy for your
selected organization. This is where you mitigate
all of the risks identified in week two and
develop a security strategy
6CMGT 579 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
CMGT 579 Week 5 Individual Assignment For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Submit a 4-5
page single-spaced paper (Arial 12) paper on
either one or more of the aspects of fault
tolerance listed in UOP Material, Fault
Tolerance Reading Material." This can be found on
the class rEsource web page under week
four. Define the technologies and alternatives
associated with each type of fault tolerant
system. Identify key vendors and approximate
7CMGT 579 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com
CMGT 579 Week 6 Learning Team Assignment For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Submit
a 15-20 page single-spaced paper (Arial 12) in MS
Word completing all elements of the Disaster
recovery Plan. Plus a 7 10 PowerPoint Slides as
a presentation form of the final paper. This
should include all section of the Sample plan
outline in the project overview. Save files as
Group X Final.
8CMGT 579 Enthusiastic Study--snaptutorial.com